Airline Simulation Activities & Analysis Rubric
(10 points)
Mission and vision statements
clearly reflected the
demonstrated airline activities
Mission and vision statements were
in-line with the demonstrated airline
activities (5-7)
Mission and vision statements
vaguely related to demonstrated
airline activities(3-4)
Mission and vision statements had no
relation to demonstrated airline
General strategy
(20 points)
Simulation procedures were
well executed and strategic
decisions discussed (18-20)
Simulation procedures were usually
well executed and strategic
decisions were plausible for the type
of operation (14-17)
Simulation procedures were
executed with limited competence
and/or strategic decisions were at
times questionable (10-13)
Simulation procedures were not
followed and /or there appeared to be
a lack of strategy (0-9)
Performance metrics and
financial results were
thoroughly discussed and
analyzed (42-50)
Performance metrics and financial
results were satisfactorily discussed
and analyzed (35-41)
Performance metrics and financial
results were somewhat discussed
and analyzed (20-34)
There appeared to be little or no
analysis of airline performance and/or
financials (0-19)
Strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats and rivalry
were clearly identified and
discussed (24-30)
Strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats, and rivalry
were adequately identified and
discussed (18-23)
Strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats, and rivalry
were vaguely identified and
discussed (10-17)
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
threats, and rivalry were not identified
and /or discussed(0-9)
Advice for future management
was convincing (18-20)
Advice for future management was
plausible (14-17)
Advice for future management was
questionable (8-13)
No or limited advice for future
management was presented (0-7)
Airline performance &
Financial analysis
(50 points)
Competitive forces/
SWOT (30 points)
(20 points)
Airline Simulation (82823.1)
Writing & Formatting
(20 points)
Spelling, grammar, sentence
structure, and formatting are of
high-quality (18-20)
Spelling, grammar, sentence
structure, and formatting are
satisfactorily (14-17)
Spelling, grammar, sentence
structure, and formatting reveal
major deficiencies (8-13)
Team: ____________________________________
Score from competition _________pts
Points possible remaining ____________pts
Score from write-up__________/___________pts
Cumulative Score___________/200pts
Airline Simulation (82823.1)
Spelling, grammar, sentence structure,
and formatting are unacceptable (0-7)
Score: ________ / 200
Demonstrating your ability to manage an airline
You were introduced to airline simulations as part of the course activities in Airline Administration
(AVS4270). For students who have had limited or no exposure to web-based airline simulations, I
encourage you to make best use of the first few weeks of the course to become familiar with the interface
and the platform. The same holds true for students who may be lacking in the areas of Finance and/or
Assignment Activities
For this senior project assignment, you have been assigned a team and together you will create and
operate a competitive passenger airline carrier within the simulation environment. This exercise will reintroduce you to the essential components of airline operational design and will make you work
successfully to fight off the competition in the simulation environment. There will be a limited number of
teams this semester so I have restricted the number of airports that you can operate from. Expect the
competition to be fierce! You need to get out of the gate quickly and stay on the ball to be successful
otherwise your competitors will eat you alive!
The simulation will open on the announced date (online announcement) and each student will then set up
their airline. Each airline will be provided with $20,000,000 seed money and to get your enterprise off the
ground as well as gather realistic data. We will only be operating a limited variation of aircraft. I will
provide you with the login and password via email. Please note that this exercise progresses throughout
the entire semester. Your write-up(s) and analysis is due at midnight on the date stated in eLearning
Course Schedule. The batch results will allow each student to get the necessary data to complete this
assignment. To facilitate operations, and to complete this project on time you need to assign specific tasks
and execute. Prior to starting you should run a rough SWOT analysis, which will be included in your
paper, to assess the market. Additionally, you should choose a strategy that fits your goals and identify
metrics to measure success. After these tasks are done, you essentially have much of the paper done other
than assessing how the plan actually worked and providing advice for future management using the data
collected from the simulation.
For the write-up you are expected to reflect on your past performance and add structure and meaning to
your airline. What type of carrier did you operate? Did you follow a low-cost leadership, niche, or
differentiation strategy? Then, analyze your activities and outcomes for each quarter. Don’t just provide
me with a bunch of numbers from the simulation reports but focus instead on the analysis..
Airline Simulation – Assignment (82823.1)
Paper Outline
Your assignment write up should contain the following sections and address the listed questions:
Introduction (10 points)
How would you define your carrier based on recent activities? Create a mission and vision statement (see
the PowerPoint concerning the competition). Don’t provide cookie cutter airline statements you can find
on the internet but be creative and reflective. What was your airline about? Where is your carrier going?
General Strategy (20 points)
What was your initial strategy? How did you set up your airline? What changes did you make along the
way? Did it work out? Why or why not?
• Right home base? Route structure?
• Proper aircraft selection? Operating strategy?
• Leasing versus buying decision making? The correct choice? Appropriate configuration? Service
• Fitting airline schedule? Right advertising campaign?
• How productive was your workforce?
Airline Performance & Financial Analysis (50 points)
Review each quarter and address the following questions:
Appropriate airfares? Why or why not?
Was your airline able to turn a profit from the start? Why or why not?
If there were major changes to performance (i.e. a large increase in profit) in a specific quarter,
identify the root cause.
Review load factor and on-time performance.
What was your liquidated value over the course of the different quarters?
Assess each quarter and focus on the results of your main routes. Review your analyst section and
address how things change over the course of the simulation?
How did you manage your cash flow?
Airline Simulation – Assignment (82823.1)
Competitive Forces and SWOT (30 points)
• Identify your immediate competitors. What was your competitive advantage?
• Conduct a SWOT analysis for your own airline.
Conclusion (20 points)
• You decide to sell your airline. What would be your advice for future management?
Submission Quality (20 points)
• Spelling, grammar, structure, and formatting of the document should be of senior level quality.
Four pages (a minimum not a limitation), single spaced, font 11, title page (not included in the four page
minimum). Use the underlined headings provided in the outline above but keep a logical flow through
within each topic.
Grade Considerations
This project is worth a significant amount of your grade (150 points) and is expected to be a senior level
(professional level) quality project. Since this is a competition, your final grade for the project will take
into account the results of Airline Online. This means that a significant part of you grade will come from
the Airline Online results. The first place team will receive an automatic 80% on the project and the
remaining 20% will come from the submission of the write-up. For example, the first place team would
get 160 out of 200 possible points (80%) for the entire project without even submitting a paper, leaving
40 pts for the paper. If they submit a paper and got a 75% they would receive a weighted score of 190 out
of 200. For each place lower than first the grading scale shifts. Each lower place results in a two percent
weight shift. Second place will receive an automatic 78% with 32% being contingent upon the paper,
third place a 76% with 34% contingent upon the paper, and so on.
With this weighted format everybody still has a chance to get 100% but as you move closer to the bottom
your final score depends more on the paper.
Submissions will be made via the E-learning dropbox.
Airline Simulation – Assignment (82823.1)
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Additional Information
Objective: In this module the students and their respective teams will create a
passenger airline carrier in an online simulation against peer groups. This is a
competition, so play-to-win.
The markets will be limited. The cities will be unique ranging from small, mid and large
markets - chose wisely. You will pick a home base and run your operations from there
to expand into whatever markets you choose. The airline with the highest liquidated
value at the end will receive a boost to their grade.
Key Simulation Setting:
The markets will be limited to promote competition.
You will be allotted $20 million starting capital.
There will be no cargo ops, just passenger travel.
There will only be a limited number of aircraft types available.
The simulation runs continuously as in the real-world.
Simulation Login Credentials:
Links, username and passwords are provided to assigned groups via e-mai.
End Goals: After the full-semester simulation has run, the students and their teams
will conduct a write-up following the guidelines forth by the PDF file below - It is
essentially a summary of the routes you took to success. There will be a midsimulation 'investor update' to provide a status to your investors on your progress
thus far.
This paper(s) will cover:
The information gathered from the SWOT analysis you conducted of the
market prior to entry
Competitive advantages that you attempted to achieve or did achieve
throughout the semester span
The general strategy that was used
The financial metrics you used to measure success
You should watch the video below titled, "Strategy, Mission, Vision" for a refresher on
some of these concepts.
Useful Readings: Beyond the video you should read chapters 7 & 8 from the "Wheels
Up" text for help with the mission and vision statement. Additionally, the PDF titled,
"MIT Airline Data Project Glossary" will provide help in setting defining and setting
financial metrics. The SWOT template will provide a brief overview of a number of
strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats that are important to identify as a
Pegasus Airlines investor report
Pegasus Airlines is a low-cost airline based in New York City, New York. At Pegasus Airlines,
we believe the world is to be explored, so, we provide low ticket prices and exceptional services.
Our mission is to provide everyone the same opportunity to travel via any of our offered routes.
Our vision is to be the airline that the world trusts with their travel.
General strategy
We have developed three areas of focus at Pegasus Airlines: operating strategy, route planning,
and marketing strategy. Attention to detail and focus on each one of these areas helps us to
stay oriented and successful.
Our operation started with two aircraft, both from the Boeing 737 family; the idea is to have two
medium-sized planes to carry all economy-class passengers. We choose to lease aircraft that
were modern, economical, and in good condition. The idea here was to have a smaller fleet
initially so that operating costs would stay down until the airline was able to post a profit at which
point, we can expand. Our plan worked very well initially, and we were able to post a profit and
then expend but we experienced difficulties when we purchased additional aircraft. We may
have expanded so soon because when faced with challenges such as worker strike shortly after
the purchase of additional aircraft, our airline ultimately went into debt, and we are currently
considering bankruptcy.
We opened routes that had the most Y-class (economy) passenger demand. This resulted in
destinations such as Atlanta, Chicago, Charlotte, and Miami. As stated previously, our airline
was doing good at first and we believe that the route selection worked well and can be carried
over to the new strategy when we restructure.
As for our marketing, we have been running a campaign domestically in the United States. We
primarily focus on billboards and Internet marketing. We have found that marketing via the
internet has been one of the best ways to do it due to it because of the low associated cost.
While this has been the preferred method, putting up billboards helped increase our demand as
Future Improvement
Currently Pegasus Airlines is not doing well. This has been the result of a chain reaction of
events that started with us expanding our fleet before we had a good handle on all of our
expenses. We saw that we were making a profit, and everything appeared to be going well but
we jumped the gun before really having a grasp on the totality of the airline. Our plan is to
declare bankruptcy and restructure the airline using the things we learned in this next attempt.
High operational expense and low passenger were the problems, but it is more important for us
to look at what caused those problems to learn appropriately. Company image was an issue,
and we are going to improve that first and foremost by adjusting our wages to avoid the threat of
strike like before; and second, adjust our marketing strategy to be more effective. Some
positive aspects that we are going to keep when we restructure include our route selection and
initial gameplan with aircraft leasing.
Airline Simulation Activities & Analysis Rubric
(10 points)
Mission and vision statements
clearly reflected the
demonstrated airline activities
Mission and vision statements were
in-line with the demonstrated airline
activities (5-7)
Mission and vision statements
vaguely related to demonstrated
airline activities(3-4)
Mission and vision statements had no
relation to demonstrated airline
General strategy
(20 points)
Simulation procedures were
well executed and strategic
decisions discussed (18-20)
Simulation procedures were usually
well executed and strategic
decisions were plausible for the type
of operation (14-17)
Simulation procedures were
executed with limited competence
and/or strategic decisions were at
times questionable (10-13)
Simulation procedures were not
followed and /or there appeared to be
a lack of strategy (0-9)
Performance metrics and
financial results were
thoroughly discussed and
analyzed (42-50)
Performance metrics and financial
results were satisfactorily discussed
and analyzed (35-41)
Performance metrics and financial
results were somewhat discussed
and analyzed (20-34)
There appeared to be little or no
analysis of airline performance and/or
financials (0-19)
Strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats and rivalry
were clearly identified and
discussed (24-30)
Strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats, and rivalry
were adequately identified and
discussed (18-23)
Strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats, and rivalry
were vaguely identified and
discussed (10-17)
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
threats, and rivalry were not identified
and /or discussed(0-9)
Advice for future management
was convincing (18-20)
Advice for future management was
plausible (14-17)
Advice for future management was
questionable (8-13)
No or limited advice for future
management was presented (0-7)
Airline performance &
Financial analysis
(50 points)
Competitive forces/
SWOT (30 points)
(20 points)
Airline Simulation (82823.1)
Writing & Formatting
(20 points)
Spelling, grammar, sentence
structure, and formatting are of
high-quality (18-20)
Spelling, grammar, sentence
structure, and formatting are
satisfactorily (14-17)
Spelling, grammar, sentence
structure, and formatting reveal
major deficiencies (8-13)
Team: ____________________________________
Score from competition _________pts
Points possible remaining ____________pts
Score from write-up__________/___________pts
Cumulative Score___________/200pts
Airline Simulation (82823.1)
Spelling, grammar, sentence structure,
and formatting are unacceptable (0-7)
Score: ________ / 200
Demonstrating your ability to manage an airline
You were introduced to airline simulations as part of the course activities in Airline Administration
(AVS4270). For students who have had limited or no exposure to web-based airline simulations, I
encourage you to make best use of the first few weeks of the course to become familiar with the interface
and the platform. The same holds true for students who may be lacking in the areas of Finance and/or
Assignment Activities
For this senior project assignment, you have been assigned a team and together you will create and
operate a competitive passenger airline carrier within the simulation environment. This exercise will reintroduce you to the essential components of airline operational design and will make you work
successfully to fight off the competition in the simulation environment. There will be a limited number of
teams this semester so I have restricted the number of airports that you can operate from. Expect the
competition to be fierce! You need to get out of the gate quickly and stay on the ball to be successful
otherwise your competitors will eat you alive!
The simulation will open on the announced date (online announcement) and each student will then set up
their airline. Each airline will be provided with $20,000,000 seed money and to get your enterprise off the
ground as well as gather realistic data. We will only be operating a limited variation of aircraft. I will
provide you with the login and password via email. Please note that this exercise progresses throughout
the entire semester. Your write-up(s) and analysis is due at midnight on the date stated in eLearning
Course Schedule. The batch results will allow each student to get the necessary data to complete this
assignment. To facilitate operations, and to complete this project on time you need to assign specific tasks
and execute. Prior to starting you should run a rough SWOT analysis, which will be included in your
paper, to assess the market. Additionally, you should choose a strategy that fits your goals and identify
metrics to measure success. After these tasks are done, you essentially have much of the paper done other
than assessing how the plan actually worked and providing advice for future management using the data
collected from the simulation.
For the write-up you are expected to reflect on your past performance and add structure and meaning to
your airline. What type of carrier did you operate? Did you follow a low-cost leadership, niche, or
differentiation strategy? Then, analyze your activities and outcomes for each quarter. Don’t just provide
me with a bunch of numbers from the simulation reports but focus instead on the analysis..
Airline Simulation – Assignment (82823.1)
Paper Outline
Your assignment write up should contain the following sections and address the listed questions:
Introduction (10 points)
How would you define your carrier based on recent activities? Create a mission and vision statement (see
the PowerPoint concerning the competition). Don’t provide cookie cutter airline statements you can find
on the internet but be creative and reflective. What was your airline about? Where is your carrier going?
General Strategy (20 points)
What was your initial strategy? How did you set up your airline? What changes did you make along the
way? Did it work out? Why or why not?
• Right home base? Route structure?
• Proper aircraft selection? Operating strategy?
• Leasing versus buying decision making? The correct choice? Appropriate configuration? Service
• Fitting airline schedule? Right advertising campaign?
• How productive was your workforce?
Airline Performance & Financial Analysis (50 points)
Review each quarter and address the following questions:
Appropriate airfares? Why or why not?
Was your airline able to turn a profit from the start? Why or why not?
If there were major changes to performance (i.e. a large increase in profit) in a specific quarter,
identify the root cause.
Review load factor and on-time performance.
What was your liquidated value over the course of the different quarters?
Assess each quarter and focus on the results of your main routes. Review your analyst section and
address how things change over the course of the simulation?
How did you manage your cash flow?
Airline Simulation – Assignment (82823.1)
Competitive Forces and SWOT (30 points)
• Identify your immediate competitors. What was your competitive advantage?
• Conduct a SWOT analysis for your own airline.
Conclusion (20 points)
• You decide to sell your airline. What would be your advice for future management?
Submission Quality (20 points)
• Spelling, grammar, structure, and formatting of the document should be of senior level quality.
Four pages (a minimum not a limitation), single spaced, font 11, title page (not included in the four page
minimum). Use the underlined headings provided in the outline above but keep a logical flow through
within each topic.
Grade Considerations
This project is worth a significant amount of your grade (150 points) and is expected to be a senior level
(professional level) quality project. Since this is a competition, your final grade for the project will take
into account the results of Airline Online. This means that a significant part of you grade will come from
the Airline Online results. The first place team will receive an automatic 80% on the project and the
remaining 20% will come from the submission of the write-up. For example, the first place team would
get 160 out of 200 possible points (80%) for the entire project without even submitting a paper, leaving
40 pts for the paper. If they submit a paper and got a 75% they would receive a weighted score of 190 out
of 200. For each place lower than first the grading scale shifts. Each lower place results in a two percent
weight shift. Second place will receive an automatic 78% with 32% being contingent upon the paper,
third place a 76% with 34% contingent upon the paper, and so on.
With this weighted format everybody still has a chance to get 100% but as you move closer to the bottom
your final score depends more on the paper.
Submissions will be made via the E-learning dropbox.
Airline Simulation – Assignment (82823.1)
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