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Indiana Wesleyan University


Use the four-step course methodology of understanding, analysis, evaluation, and application. Write a 150- to 200-word description (three or four paragraphs, or at least five observations) about the contrast between modernism and post-modernism

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Discussion - Postmodernism 1. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following: 2. Use the four-step course methodology of understanding, analysis, evaluation, and application. Write a 150- to 200-word description (three or four paragraphs, or at least five observations) about the contrast between modernism and post-modernism. Answer the following Questions to Consider from page 325 by analyzing the debate about objective or subjective truth in different periods of philosophy in Chapter 15: a. To what extent can we really see the world as it really is? b. To what extent is truth a function of power? c. To what extent to texts have stable meanings? d. What are the best Christian “take-aways” from postmodernism? 3. Give particular attention to the difference between an overall story of human history (macro narrative) that provides meaning in a collective sense, versus the concept of a society of individual human stories (micro narratives). What is your logical best assessment of postmodernism and what it seeks to do concerning objective truth? 4. Conclude your remarks by reviewing and assessing the list of five Christian inferences made by the author in Section 15.4 (pages 338–339) of the CPJ. a. Provide a critique of the author’s thesis in this textbook (both in Chapter 8 and here) that a “critical-realist” approach is the best Christian approach in both philosophical theory and practice. b. Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
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Explanation & Answer



Modernism and post-modernism




Part 1
There are serious concerns about whether it is humanly possible to have a full understand or have
actual knowledge of how the world is. Philosophers argue that it is not possible for one to be a
neutral observer (Berube, 2002). It is also impossible for people to really judge if the world it is
as it appears to them in reality.
Power is believed to play a very crucial role in what we refer to the truth. Truth is usually
acknowledged openly and not secretly. Anything that is considered to be true irrespective of
place and time or idea usually have an element of power. Most of the best ideas are usually not
necessarily the most popular. The problem with this text is that many of the words used do not
have actual ...

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