Nursing DB 101 .2

User Generated


Health Medical

University of Guam


200 words – APA

Imagine you had a 30min teleconference with you instructor and preceptor regarding project on preventing access related infection in hemodiaylsis patients. Write a summary of the productive meeting. Meeting included

  • Discussion on objectives to include The student will complete project activities that might include but are not limited to developing a new tool, creating a toolkit of resource references, developing a presentation, creating a survey to measure a satisfaction with activity, attending professional meetings, writing a publishable article, presenting a topic to patients, creating a webinar, delivery of training modules, developing software to meet a need, developing an advocacy agenda or tool, or proposing a change in practice, process, or procedure.
  • Completing 120 hours of practicum hours
  • Discussion on course syllabus

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Explanation & Answer





In a 30-minute teleconference with my instructor, we discussed different
things. We were focused on my project, which aimed to prevent access-related
infections in hemodialysis patients. We also outline some objectives and activities to
ensure the project rem...

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