essay discussion after an interview w/anyone in a management role 1,050-words

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Purpose of Assignment

For this assignment, the student will identify and interview someone they know who is in a management role. This allows the student to integrate the experience of real world managers with their own insights into planning and strategy. The assignment also reinforces the importance of contingency planning.

Assignment Steps

Interview someone you know who is in a management role. This can be at your current place of employment or someone you know personally working in a managerial role.

Prepare a 1,050-word discussion of the interview:

  • Discuss what you discovered about contingency planning.
  • Discuss how creativity and critical thinking relate to contingency planning.
  • Explain how you might integrate creativity into your own planning process.
  • Discuss what you learned about creativity and its relationship to the decision-making process.
  • Identify the key steps that might require a contingency plan.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

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Planning Process Inteview Questions PHL/320 Version 6 University of Phoenix Material Planning Process Interview Questions Interviewee Name: _____________________ • How do you use the decision-making in your role as a manager? • What role does contingency planning play in your role as a manager? How do you apply critical thinking to contingency planning? • What roadblocks do you encounter when trying to apply creativity to your decision-making process? • Are any business settings more in need of contingency planning than others? If so, why might they require contingency planning? • What parts of planning are most likely to require a back-up play? Why? • What additional information do you think a future manager should know about decision-making, contingency planning, and critical thinking? Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1 The Planning Process Grading Guide PHL/320 Version 6 Critical Thinking and Decision Making in Business Copyright Copyright © 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. The Planning Process Grading Guide PHL/320 Version 6 Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix® editorial standards and practices. 2 The Planning Process Grading Guide PHL/320 Version 6 Individual Assignment: The Planning Process Purpose of Assignment For this assignment, the student will identify and interview someone they know who is in a management role. This allows the student to integrate the experience of real world managers with their own insights into planning and strategy. The assignment also reinforces the importance of contingency planning. Resources Required Planning Process Interview Form Grading Guide Content Met Partially Met Not Met Total Available Total Earned 7 #/7 Partially Met Not Met Comments: The student interviewed a person in a management role using the Planning Process Interview Form. The student discussed what they discovered about contingency planning. The student discussed how creativity and critical thinking relate to contingency planning. The student explained how they might integrate creativity into their own planning process. The student discussed what they learned about creativity and its relationship to the decision-making process. The student identified the key steps that might require a contingency plan. The paper is 1,050 words in length. Writing Guidelines The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is Met Comments: 3 The Planning Process Grading Guide PHL/320 Version 6 Writing Guidelines Met Partially Met Not Met Total Available Total Earned 3 #/3 10 #/10 consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Rules of grammar and usage are followed including spelling and punctuation. Assignment Total Additional comments: # Comments: 4
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Explanation & Answer




Contingency planning
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Contingency planning


Any business that operates in a real environment is bound to face a couple of risks that can
thwart the life of the company. For this reason, managers must devise a plan that can avoid or
reduce the severe effects of these factors. Quite often, a risk may be exceptional and having
catastrophic results; this requires a contingency plan. The plan contains procedures through
which a company will follow to mitigate the losses in the case of a risk occurring. For example, a
company whose which stores its goods in one warehouse, in the case of fire all the products will
be destroyed. To mitigate the risk of this hazard the company may store the goods in two distinct
warehouses (Henderson, 2016).
Developing an effective contingency plan requires one to consider factors such as human
resource management, financial resources a sound coordination and communication system. A
manager must know the technicalities and logistics needed to respond to a hazard. A good plan
captures all sectors that would impact on timely and effective response to a disaster. A detailed
assessment breaks down the contingency plan into three parts: the time an emergency has higher
chances of occurring, the reaction when it happens, what preparations can be done before the risk
to avert it.
Creativity in contingency planning
A good contingency plan requires creativity and creative thinking during formulation.
Managers attain creativity by being continually inquisitive and eager to increase their knowle...

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