Nursing Pract db2

User Generated


Health Medical


University of Guam


200 words , APA , one reference Healthcare is dynamic and complex. Nurses graduating from a master’s degree program must demonstrate competencies that will allow them to respond to current and emerging trends in healthcare. Each week, you will address one or more of the 9 Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

As you plan, develop, implement, and evaluate your Administration and Management practicum project, reflect on how this project ( Preventing acess related infection in hemodialysis patients) and your graduate education have prepared you to meet the growing needs of healthcare and the diverse populations we serve.

This week you will address Essential II: Organizational Systems and Leadership.

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Explanation & Answer





Reflecting on my Administration and Management practicum project focused
on preventing access-related infections in hemodialysis patients. My degree has
prepared me to be a leader and make a difference in the healthcare industry. This
project has become an eye-opener for me as it has shown me the importance of
leadership in nursing. It is essential to become a good leader and comprehend the
healthcare system. As I worked more on my project, I got to know how important it is
to make decisions that are smart as ...

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