Criminal Justice Capstone: Week 1 class discussion 2

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Business Finance

Colorado Technical University


The deliverable length for this discussion should be 400-600 words.

Assignment description:

In this course, you will follow a fictional crime scenario and respond to it, as different aspects of the scenario are revealed to you in the assignments.

Scenario Part 1

On March 12, 2014, at approximately 2200 hours, the Sunnyville, Utah Police Department received a 911 call of an armed robbery at 201 SE 2nd Ave. Upon the police arriving on scene, Victim 1, Luke Roberts, had been shot in the head and deceased. Victim 2, Liam O'Neil, was pistol-whipped. Both victims were robbed of their cell phones and wallets at gunpoint. Liam O'Neil was able to identify both suspects and the getaway vehicle. A short distance away, police stopped the suspect vehicle with two Caucasian males that matched the description provided by Mr. O'Neil. After the two suspects were positively identified, they were arrested and brought to the police station for interviews.
Before the police interviewed the suspects, they read them their Miranda rights. Suspect 1 refused to speak to the police, invoked his Miranda rights, and stated that he wanted a lawyer. The police began asking Suspect 2 specific questions about the crime. Suspect 2 stated “I’m not sure I should talk to you,” but then hesitantly proceeded to answers questions, making several incriminating statements.

Review the Miranda v. Arizona case using the Web resources assigned to this class.

  • What legal aspects from the scenario need to be addressed?
  • What legal aspects may come up at the trial?
  • Is his statement of "I am not sure if I want to talk anymore" enough to invoke his Miranda Rights? If not, what must the police officer do next?

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Explanation & Answer


Name 1
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice
Question 1
In any criminal case, there are the legal issues that need to be addressed since the accused have
their rights that need to be observed. In this case, there are the legal aspects that arise from the
scenario. They are;
Intention is one of the most important legal aspects in a crime scene. There is the direct intent
and oblique intent (Schmalleger, & Frank 2017). In our case, the direct intent is visibly
observable where the defendants...

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