Philosophy Critical Reasoning and Ethics: Healthcare Needs of the Geriatric Population PowerPoint Presentation Slides

User Generated



Mount St Mary's University


Hi Prof_Alfred,

Im working on a PowerPoint presentation (Min of 10 slides) based off of the research question you helped me last week, Healthcare Needs of the Geriatric Population which needs to be completed by 10:00PM tonight PST. The slides will be based on the same report just in PowerPoint format or Google Slides.

I have examples

  • Title slide
    • Project title, name, university, course
  • Introduction slide(s)
  • Background slide(s)
  • Content slides(s)
  • Conclusion slide
  • Reference slide
  • You have creative freedom with the design of your slide.
  • Your presentation should have a minimum of 10 slides and maximum of 15 slides.
  • Please be sure to cite all information, including charts and images.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer


Healthcare Needs of the
Geriatric Population
Institutional Affiliation

• Geriatric Population Definition:
Individuals aged 65 and above (Singh,

• Unique Healthcare Requirements:
• Intersection of aging processes, medical
complexities, and societal norms

• Growing global significance and urgency

Historical Landscape
• Early Geriatric Care:

Rooted in familial structures and collective kinship bonds
Transmission of wisdom through oral traditions (Barber,

• Evolution and Specialization:

Impact of industrial revolution and modern medicine
Emergence of dedicated geriatric care

• Gerontology as an Interdisciplinary Field:

Holistic exploration of aging processes
Integration into mainstream healthcare practices
(Wilberforce et al., 2016)

Current Views of Geriatric Healthcare
• Person-Centered Care:
• Recognition of individuality and tailored
interventions (Sillner et al., 2021)

• Integration of Technology and Preventive
• Shaping contemporary geriatric healthcare

• Evolving Policies and Protocols:
• Adapting to changing needs of the aging


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