It is information about an organization in Los Angeles,Ca in two hours

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I Want someone answer these. I will present that so please answer them no like.An essay. Please explain everything and more clear. It is information about an organization in Los Angeles that seeks to solve an urban issue.Please I want someone who is perfect.

there is an example of urban issue

  • Concentrated poverty. While it is easier to target densely populated, poor urban areas for solutions, concentrated poverty is not an advantage for the poor living in cities. ...
  • Crime. ...
  • Affordable-housing shortages. ...
  • Public-transportation investment. ...
  • Job loss. ...
  • Segregation. ...
  • Conclusion.

Here are some things your presentation should cover:

  • Goal of organization?
  • Mission Statement?
  • Why did you select this organization?
  • What are your jobs/tasks?
  • What is the structure of the organization?
  • What is the history of the organization?
  • Has this organization changed or evolved over time?
  • Annual reports?
  • Data about milestones?
  • Accomplishments?
  • User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

    Explanation & Answer


    Children’s Defense Fund-California
    Goal of organization
    The goal of the organization is to meet and provide the needs of the undeserved and poor
    children in the state of California.
    Mission Statement
    The mission of the organization is to make sure that every child is a “Healthy Start, a Head
    Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start, and a Moral Start” in their life. It also wants to ensure for the
    child to have a successful passage towards adulthood with the cooperation of the caring families
    and the communities.
    It also provides
    • Strong, effective as well as representation, an independent voice for the children in
    America who cannot speak for themselves.
    • Attends to the poor children’s needs, colored children, and children with abilities.
    • Educates the nation including Los Angeles regarding the children’s needs
    • Encourage preventive investment before the children get sick, become school dropout,
    and suffer from family breakdown.
    Why did you select this organization?
    I choose this organization because I would like everybody to be aware of the needs of the
    poor and not privileged children and be able to help in any way I could to help them if I am
    capable to help.
    What are your jobs/tasks?
    My job is to be mindful and responsive of the different social issues in the society especially here
    in Los Angeles and be able to help in the advocacy of this organization. This will also help me to
    become a better person and how to be able to make quality contributions to the society that I
    belong to.
    What is the structure of the organization?
    The structure of the organization is composed of 14 team members and 20 members of Board of
    Directors that include
    • Laphonza Butler, President SEIU-ULTCW Los Angeles, CA
    • Ruth-Ann Huvane Child Advocate Los Angeles, CA
    • Katie McGrathChild Advocate Los Angeles, CA
    • Jurnee Smollett-Bell Actress Los Angeles, CA
    • Reese Witherspoon Actress Los Angeles, CA

    What is the history of the organization?
    It was in 1973 that CDF was founded which is a non-profit organization that is supported by
    donations, corporates, government grants, as well as foundations. It was in 1998 that Children’s
    Defend Fund-California (CDF-CA) was established. It is a national organization which was
    found by Marian Wright Edelman that has vast experience of 40 years working in ensuring the
    level of playing field for the children. Its policies as well as programs are focused on lifting the

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