sales and meeting quiz

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HOSP 2011 meeting and management



  1. Find the website of a Convention and Visitors Bureau of a second-tier city. Answer the questions below.1. What is the name of the city? Include the link to the website2. How easy/difficult is it for meeting planners to navigate the site in search of information about meetings? Explain and provide some examples.


  1. Check out the website of third-party meeting planning company HelmsBriscoe
    1. If you were a meeting planner, what are some reasons you might use this company to plan your meeting for you? Use your own words.
    2. If you were a sales person for an independent hotel or resort, how could HelmsBriscoe help you reach and serve clients? Summarize and use your own words.


  1. Group arrival at a hotel can be particularly difficult, especially if the entire group checks in at the same time. Describe, in your own words, two ways that hotels can minimize delays and problems at room check-in for groups.


  1. Describe two problems that are caused when meeting attendees bypass the group’s housing system and book outside the block. Do your research on this, but use your own words.


  1. Compare the Association market with the Corporate market by matching each need or characteristic with either Association or Corporate.
    Longer lead time
    Shorter duration of meetings
    More predictable meeting time cycle/pattern
    Mandatory attendance
    Geographic restrictions


  1. Greenway Tours has booked a stop at your hotel on its Spring Garden Tour through your region, which is well-known for its beautiful blossoming trees and the botanical garden in the city. Your meeting planner from Greenway is Bob Johnson, but Bob will not be accompanying the group. The tour escort is Patricia Clark.Bob negotiated a per-night room rate of $139 at your hotel, for all room types. He also negotiated a deal of one comp room per 40 rooms occupied. Other details are below.
    • 82 guests, all in double rooms. About half want King rooms, and half want Double/Double rooms. Some are married couples, and some are just traveling with friends. Age range is 40 to 70.
    • 1 single room for Patricia
    • Group arrives in two buses on Friday, April 24 at about 4:00pm. Buses will need parking.
    • Pre-registration required
    • Luggage handling required. Bell staff to deliver guests’ bags to their rooms, and pick up on departure day. $5 per person round trip, charged to master. Bell staff not allowed to accept additional tips.
    • Group departs Sunday, April 26 at 9:00am.
    • They will be out on tours on Saturday from 9:00am until 9:00pm.
    • Group dinner in a private room Friday night at 6:30pm.
    • Group breakfast in a private room on Saturday and Sunday at 7:00am.
    • All room and tax charges go to the master account. Banquet charges on the master account. Guests are on their own for incidentals.
    Your assignment: using the hotel or resort you have chosen for your project as the host hotel, and using the resume blank that is attached, write the group resume for the Greenway Tours group. (The blank is set up as a table; just click in each box and type.)Save your completed document as Greenway Tours Resume and attach it.Group Resume Blank abbreviated.docx

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Group Resume Group Name: Meeting Name: Official Days/Dates: Group Contact(s): (For this, you only need the name(s), not the contact info.) Hotel Contacts: (Your name goes here. You are the hotel contact.) Group Profile: Anticipated Attendance: Group Room Block: Day: Date: Block: Major Arrival Date: Estimated Time: Major Departure Date: Estimated Time: Reservation Method: Rates: Single: Double: Triple: Quad: Comp. Room Policy: Transportation: Billing Information: VIP’s: Name Departments: Food & Beverage Outlets (Restaurants and bars): Housekeeping: Bell stand: Security: Shipping and Receiving: Arrive Depart # Ppl. Room Type Billing Engineering: Other departments: Scheduled Functions: Day/Date/Time Function and set-up style Room Name
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