7 multiple questions

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9. What do crime statistics reveal about the true nature of juvenile delinquency in the 1950s?

a. despite the fact that America had always had crime in the inner city, violent assaults on teens wreaked havoc on rural America.

b.while crime in general was stagnant, crimes committed by America’s youth were a real crisis of the era.

c.despite some increases in juvenile crime, especially in the suburbs, the severity of the issue was exaggerated.

d.Although urban crime was on the rise, very few accounts of youth crime in the suburbs were reported.

10. what was the most dramatic social impact of rock 'n' roll

a.bringing teens and their parents together in a shared musical culture

b.reinforcing adult authority over youth culture

c.bringing black music and culture into the american mainstream

d.emphasizing conformity over individuality

11.how did eisenhower's relationship with business resemble the republican ideology of the 1920s?

a.neither was particularly friendly to the industrialists of their area

b.both limited the role of the federal government in business and encouraged a voluntary government-business relationship

c.neither encouraged the business world to seek the approval of the american government or the general public

d.both increased the role of the government and created a regulatory federal role

12. following john F.Kennedy's assassination, what did the warren commission conclude

a.castro was probably behind the assassination

b.an unidentified group of conspirators was responsible

c.lee harvey oswald was acting alone

d.it was impossible to know why it had happened

13.In 1953, the CIA intervened to put in power Shah Riza Pahlavi as ruler of _____.





14. The results of Kennedy’s New Frontier domestic agenda are best described as__________.

a.totally blocked by Republicans in Congress

b.modest and limited

c.the achievement of nearly all of Kennedy’s objectives.

d.reversing many New Deal programs

15.How did the popular film Rebel Without a Cause challenge traditional gender roles in American culture?

a.The leading male had a domineering other and his fictional father did house chores.

b.The leading female was defiant whereas the male characters were submissive.

c.The cast was almost all made up of teenage girls.

d.The dire

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