Field Observation of a Restaurant

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Choose a restaurant in Los Angeles, and the ethnic is not Asian.

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• Journal Entry #4 – Field Observation of a Restaurant (minimum 500 words) You will automatically lose 2 points if your submission is less than 500 words. • Visit a restaurant from an ethnic/cultural group that is different than yours. For 1 point, explain how this ethnic/cultural group is different from yours. • You do not need to eat there, however, you should spend at least 30 minutes observing. Write up your observations including: o who works there (4 points) o who is cooking in the kitchen (4 points) o who is eating there (4 points) o does the food seem authentic or Americanized (4 points) o general observations about the restaurant (organization, cleanliness, etc) (4 points) o would you eat there? Why or why not? (4 points)
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Running Header: CHINESE RESTAURANT (Xi’An Famous Foods)

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As it is well observed all over the world is that the Chinese are the most diverse community

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