ENG 201 SU Enhancing Passenger Comfort and Management on Long Haul Flights for Flight Attendants A Proposal to the Board Members of Airline Management Question

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ENG 201

Strayer Univeristy


Explanation & Answer:
8 Pages
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Explanation & Answer


Enhancing Passenger Comfort and Management on Long-Haul Flights for Flight
Attendants: A Proposal to the Board Members of Airline Management

I. Introduction
A. Hook:
Limited overhead bin space on long-haul flights (source: Airline Operations Journal),
B. Thesis:
The board members of Airline Management should give paramount attention to
enhancing passenger comfort and management on long-haul flights. This strategic emphasis is
vital, aligning with our overarching goal of becoming a customer-centric industry leader. By
addressing the challenges faced by both passengers and flight attendants during extended flights,
our airline stands poised to not only elevate the overall travel experience but also to strengthen
customer loyalty, foster positive word-of-mouth marketing, and achieve sustained success in the
competitive aviation landscape. In focusing on passenger-centric solutions, we position our
airline as a beacon of unparalleled service, setting new standards in the industry.
II. Problem: Enhancing Passenger Comfort and Management on Long-Haul Flights
for Flight Attendants.
Main Cause(s):
The primary cause of the problem lies in the lack of sufficient measures and
considerations dedicated to enhancing passenger comfort during long-haul flights. The confined
space, outdated cabin designs, and inadequate resources create challenges for flight attendants in
effectively managing the diverse needs and well-being of passengers during extended journeys.

As explained by industry experts, including Harshada Patel and Mirabelle D'Cruz in a
study published in Transport Reviews, the focus on airline passenger comfort traditionally
revolves around aircraft and airline design. However, this approach may overlook critical
passenger-centric factors such as individual characteristics, personal travel context, and
interactions with others. The study emphasizes the need for a broader perspective on comfort,
recognizing the limitations of conventional design elements in addressing the intricacies of
passenger experience during long-haul flights. This evidence underscores the necessity to
reevaluate and enhance current approaches to passenger comfort management on extended

B. Effects of Problem: Operational Inefficiencies
Operational inefficiencies arise as a result of inadequate passenger comfort on long-haul
flights. The heightened demands on flight attendants to manage passenger needs and address
complaints contribute to a complex operat...

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