Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Global Citizenship

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Business Finance


  • Define corporate social responsibility (CSR) in your own words. Once you have defined CSR, conduct research on your favorite Fortune 500 company and determine just how (or if) the company ranks from a CSR perspective. Provide the name of the company and a link to at least one reference from your research. Do your findings change the way you will support the company in the future?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a specific way a corporation acts enabling society and its residents to be held responsible for its actions that impact their communities and environment. This type of responsibility a commitment to giving back to society and the organization’s stakeholders. It indicates that harm to people and society should be acknowledged and corrected when possible. In some situations, CSR may involve a company to sacrifice profits if its social impacts seriously hurt some of its stakeholders or if its funds can be used to have a positive social impact. Sometimes a firm’s economic, legal, and CSR will create tension, and at other times they will blend allowing the firm to be more profitable.

This term refers not to an abstract principle or set of beliefs, but rather to actual behaviors. That can transform a financial performance into an integrated economic and social performance.

Walmart, in 2016, ranked number one on the Fortune 500 companies list, with a revenue of $489.5 billion, which created a one-year revenue change of 0.8% (Shen, 2017). Walmart’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) overall ranking is 52 (comparative to all companies). The breakdown is as follows (CSRHUB, n.d.):

    • (47) community: their level of commitment and effectiveness within the local, national, and global community in which they do business.
    • (59) environment: focusing on the usage of natural resources and it’s impact of earth’s ecosystems.
    • (51) employee: in relation to diverse performance, policies, programs, labor relations, compensation, benefits, and training programs; as well as, opportunities within the communities they service.
    • (49) governance: relating to leadership structure, company’s culture, attention to stakeholder concerns, and compliance of ethical leadership. Also, management’s sustainability and corporate responsibility at all levels.

Based on current researched CSR data, my support for this number one Fortune 500 will not change.


(Shen, 2017): Retrieved from:

(CSRHUB, n.d.): Retrieved from:

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Leadership and Organizational Statements

(Author’s name)

(Institutional Affiliation)




Leadership and Organizational Statements
The natural feeling that an individual has to serve others first is what is known as servantleadership; in simple terms, it is the human nature of assisting others as a leader but, not personal
interest. According to K. Greenleaf, the scholar behind this theory states that servant-leadership is
a theoretical framework that advocates a leader’s primary motivation and role as a service to others.
Other scholars have come up with the definition of servant-leadership as a new kind of leadership
model which puts others as the first and the sharing of power in decision-making (Greenleaf &
Spears, n.d.). According to Russell, servant leadership is a practice of leadership that places the
good of those led over the self-interest of the leader.
To understand the concept of servant-leadership one should switch his mind from the
autocratic form of leadership where the leader leads for self over the subject and deciding by
himself or herself. Servant-leadership begins when a leader assumes the position of a servant in
their capacity as a leader and interacts with the subject. Servant-leadership is characterized by
serving other’s needs before personal needs, very simple and caring personalities, believe in
people, the creation of strong interpersonal relationships, provision of opportunities to learn and
grow, a division of power to realize control, and division of status to promote others(Greenleaf &
Spears, n.d.). In some professions, the servant-leadership system is mandatory for the effective
performance of the institutions, such as medical facilities and academic institution. Therefore,
servant leadership supports the valuing and development of people, building of community,
providing of leadership for the good of those led and sharing of power, the practice authenticity
and the common good of each individual.
Transformation leadership is a leadership approach which brings a change in individuals
and social systems. Thus, it creates valuable and positive change between leaders and their



followers to raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation. According to J. Burns,
transforming leadership system, a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts
followers into leaders and may convert leaders to moral agents for the followers. Transformational
leader arouses heightened awareness and interests in the organization or group to increase
confidence and moves followers gradually from concerns for existence to concerns for
achievement and growth. In other words, transformational leaders groom their followers to the
point where followers can take their leadership responsibilities. Idealized influence, inspirational

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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