Research Paper Progress Draft - at least 4 pages

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For your final research paper, you have a choice of two different assignments. Option 1 builds off of the first two papers you have written in this course. Option 2 invites you to go in a different direction and analyze a representation of prison in American media.

Option 1:Problem/SolutionWrite a 10-15page paperidentifying a problem within the American prison systemand proposing a workable solution to that problem. Your solution should be detailed and well-researched. You should consider any solutions to this problem that have already been proposed, and either refute those proposals (explain why theywouldn’t work or are not practical) or incorporate them into your own solution.Remember, this is an argument: you are arguing (1) that this problem exists, (2) that a solution to this problem is necessary, and (3) that your proposal would be an effectivesolution to the problem.You may use work from your previous two papersin this classas part of thisfinal paper.For example, your problem paper could become the first part of your problem/solution paper. However, all previously written work MUST be thoroughly edited, revised, and integratedinto your final paper. You may NOT use any previous work from outside of thiscourse.

For your final research paper, you have a choice of two different assignments. Option 1 builds off of the first two papers you have written in this course. Option 2 invites you to go in a different direction and analyze a representation of prison in American media.

Option 1:Problem/SolutionWrite a 10-15page paperidentifying a problem within the American prison systemand proposing a workable solution to that problem. Your solution should be detailed and well-researched. You should consider any solutions to this problem that have already been proposed, and either refute those proposals (explain why theywouldn’t work or are not practical) or incorporate them into your own solution.Remember, this is an argument: you are arguing (1) that this problem exists, (2) that a solution to this problem is necessary, and (3) that your proposal would be an effectivesolution to the problem.You may use work from your previous two papersin this classas part of thisfinal paper.For example, your problem paper could become the first part of your problem/solution paper. However, all previously written work MUST be thoroughly edited, revised, and integratedinto your final paper. You may NOT use any previous work from outside of thiscourse.

Research and Sources Both of these paper topics require research, but the amount and type of research that is necessary will depend on each individual topic. It is up to you to determine how much research is appropriate for your final paper.Rather than trying to hit an arbitrary number of source citations, you should do as much research as is necessary to thoroughly support your argument with credible, relevant information. If you’re having trouble determining whether you’re using enough research, come see me for help! Of course, all sources must be properly cited in MLA format (in-text citations AND Works Cited page).

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ENGL 102 Instructor: Aiden James Kosciesza Final Paper Assignment Sheet English 102 Final Research Paper: Problem/Solution OR Representation/Reality For your final research paper, you have a choice of two different assignments. Option 1 builds off of the first two papers you have written in this course. Option 2 invites you to go in a different direction and analyze a representation of prison in American media. Option 1: Problem/Solution Write a 10-15 page paper identifying a problem within the American prison system and proposing a workable solution to that problem. Your solution should be detailed and wellresearched. You should consider any solutions to this problem that have already been proposed, and either refute those proposals (explain why they wouldn’t work or are not practical) or incorporate them into your own solution. Remember, this is an argument: you are arguing (1) that this problem exists, (2) that a solution to this problem is necessary, and (3) that your proposal would be an effective solution to the problem. You may use work from your previous two papers in this class as part of this final paper. For example, your problem paper could become the first part of your problem/solution paper. However, all previously written work MUST be thoroughly edited, revised, and integrated into your final paper. You may NOT use any previous work from outside of this course. Option 2: Representation/Reality Write a 5-7 page paper examining a media representation of prison in America, such as a movie or TV show, and analyzing its portrayal of prison realities. Is this a realistic or an unrealistic representation of prison? Your thesis may be complex – i.e. a TV show might be realistic in some ways, but unrealistic in others – but it must be precise and specific. Remember, this is an argument: your paper is making a judgment call about the realism (or lack thereof) in a specific media representation, and you are backing up your claim with specific evidence both from the show or movie and from your research into prison realities. The best papers will also provide some analysis of why you think the director/writers/producers made these representation choices. You may NOT use any previous work as part of this final paper. If you select this option, you are writing a completely new paper. Research and Sources Both of these paper topics require research, but the amount and type of research that is necessary will depend on each individual topic. It is up to you to determine how much research is appropriate for your final paper. Rather than trying to hit an arbitrary number of source citations, you should do as much research as is necessary to thoroughly support your argument with credible, relevant information. If you’re having trouble determining whether you’re using enough research, come see me for help! Of course, all sources must be properly cited in MLA format (in-text citations AND Works Cited page). Alnunah1 Ahmed Alnunah Professor: Aiden Kosciesza English-102 Punishment Rather than Rehabilitation in the American Prisons The final paper will build up to the paper that argued that the American prison system punishes convicts excessively and offers very limited rehabilitation to the inmates if any. The situation leads to the prison system being expensive and having a high population. However, the prison system has been unable to reduce the rates of crime in the country significantly and is therefore failing. Therefore, it is very important that in the final paper, the research involves finding solutions to the problem of the American prison system favoring punishment and retribution over rehabilitation. The thesis of the paper will be that the solution to the problem of punishing convicts rather than rehabilitation them can be found through fair sentencing by the judgment and professional running of the American prisons. The paper will incorporate research from multiple sources. The data to show the problem exists will come from the statistics collected by the Federal office of Prisons and other data collected by government institutions. Further proof of the problem may also be found in newspaper articles that cover topics concerning the American justice system. Additional data will be gotten from periodicals and other sources with accurate data. The paper will then propose solutions that will be based on articles published in multiple academic journals that cover the relevant topics. Ahmed Alnunah Professor: Aiden kosciesza English-102 Source list 1-Rehabilitation in prison? (1997, Oct 12). New York Times Retrieved from 2-Collica-Cox, K., & Sullivan, L. (2017). Why retribution matters: Progression not regression. Theory in Action, 10(2), 41-57. Retrieved from 3-Prison system should include rehabilitation with punishment. (2008, Jun 08). The Times Retrieved from 4- Rehabilitation - Correctional Programs In The United States 5- Jones, C. G. A., & Weatherburn, D. J. (2011). Willingness to pay for rehabilitation versus punishment to reduce adult and juvenile crime. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 46(1), 927,4. Retrieved from ENGL 102 Instructor: Aiden James Kosciesza Final Paper Assignment Sheet English 102 Final Research Paper: Problem/Solution OR Representation/Reality For your final research paper, you have a choice of two different assignments. Option 1 builds off of the first two papers you have written in this course. Option 2 invites you to go in a different direction and analyze a representation of prison in American media. Option 1: Problem/Solution Write a 10-15 page paper identifying a problem within the American prison system and proposing a workable solution to that problem. Your solution should be detailed and wellresearched. You should consider any solutions to this problem that have already been proposed, and either refute those proposals (explain why they wouldn’t work or are not practical) or incorporate them into your own solution. Remember, this is an argument: you are arguing (1) that this problem exists, (2) that a solution to this problem is necessary, and (3) that your proposal would be an effective solution to the problem. You may use work from your previous two papers in this class as part of this final paper. For example, your problem paper could become the first part of your problem/solution paper. However, all previously written work MUST be thoroughly edited, revised, and integrated into your final paper. You may NOT use any previous work from outside of this course. Option 2: Representation/Reality Write a 5-7 page paper examining a media representation of prison in America, such as a movie or TV show, and analyzing its portrayal of prison realities. Is this a realistic or an unrealistic representation of prison? Your thesis may be complex – i.e. a TV show might be realistic in some ways, but unrealistic in others – but it must be precise and specific. Remember, this is an argument: your paper is making a judgment call about the realism (or lack thereof) in a specific media representation, and you are backing up your claim with specific evidence both from the show or movie and from your research into prison realities. The best papers will also provide some analysis of why you think the director/writers/producers made these representation choices. You may NOT use any previous work as part of this final paper. If you select this option, you are writing a completely new paper. Research and Sources Both of these paper topics require research, but the amount and type of research that is necessary will depend on each individual topic. It is up to you to determine how much research is appropriate for your final paper. Rather than trying to hit an arbitrary number of source citations, you should do as much research as is necessary to thoroughly support your argument with credible, relevant information. If you’re having trouble determining whether you’re using enough research, come see me for help! Of course, all sources must be properly cited in MLA format (in-text citations AND Works Cited page).
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Surname 1
Punishment Rather than Rehabilitation in the American Prisons
The United States spends more money on incarcerating its citizens than educating them. It is an
ironic situation because the impact of the emphasis on harsh prison sentences has not resulted in
the loss of the country‘s position as the leading economy in the world (Reiman and Leighton
102). Some analysts claim it is part of the reasons why the country has not achieved its full
potentials, as well as one of the sources of the many social problems that make the quality of
living lower than many Nordic countries with a better criminal justice system. Therefore, an
immediate question from the examination of the link between incarceration rate and economic
development is that is the trend responsible for the budget deficit and low completion rate of
students from ethnic minority groups in the country. If America decongests its prisons and adopt
other punitive measures for crimes and criminal activities, would the country be safer? While the
answers to these questions are obvious and might be a subject of debate sessions for several
years on the agenda of the participants, the reality is that the United States needs to reform its
overall criminal justice system, especially the correctional facility element. The United States
can resolve many of the problems associated with its prison system when the criminal justice
policy of the government is designed to emphasize rehabilitation rather than punishment.

Surname 2
Statement of the Problem
American prisons are unpleasant places for inmates whether convicted or awaiting trials
because of the combination of several factors that result in congestion, unhealthy and unsafe
environments, and potential for returning to the place. Although prisons are meant to be centers
where inmates enjoy the luxury and freedom associated with their pre-criminal lives, the
conditions of these places increase the potential for inmates to return to crime. Seigafo stated that
before the mid-1970s, the policy focus of the criminal justice system of the United States was
rehabilitation-based ...

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