Critical Thinking, Evaluation, and Deduction Assignment

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Troy University


Please analyze Southwest Airlines, identify the reasons why the company has been successful in the unattractive industry, and predict its future. You need to research the company, using a variety of reliable sources such as books, journal articles, library database, trustworthy news media, credible Web sources, etc. After collecting relevant information, you need to evaluate and draw conclusions based on deductive reasoning. Your response should include the following segments:

  1. Operational overview of Southwest Airlines. Why is the company so successful?
  2. Current economic condition of the airline industry. How would this affect Southwest Airlines?
  3. Current operational issues or challenges within Southwest Airlines. How can Southwest Airlines take on the issues or challenges?
  4. Trends for the future within the operational segment. How can Southwest Airlines remain competitive in the future?

To effectively address the above questions, you are expected to write an evaluation essay (with the headings preferred) using deductive reasoning. Here are a few tips:

  • The purpose of an evaluation essay is to present an opinion or viewpoint on a subject or body of work. The writer should firstly provide a summary of the article in question, then present a point-of-view supported with clear examples and evidence, using a thorough, well-structured argument so that the evaluation seems reasoned and unbiased.
  • Deductive reasoning starts with a general principle and deduces that it applies to a specific case. Deductive reasoning moves with exacting precision from the assumed truth of a set of premises to a conclusion which cannot be false if those premises are true. Explain the deductive reasoning process applied to analyze the firm’s performance.

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Explanation & Answer



Critical Thinking, Evaluation, and Deduction: Southwest Airlines

Operational Overview
Southwest Airlines is one of the major airline carriers operating within the US and is
situated in Dallas, Texas. Southwest is famously known as the biggest low-budget carrier in the
US and Canada (Southwest Airlines, 2018). Launched in 1967 by Rollin King and Herbert
Kelleher, the airline carrier only operated within Texas before venturing into the rest of the US
and beyond (Muduli & Kaura, 2011). Presently, Southwest has a huge workforce of more than
54,000 employees and handles an upwards of 4,000 daily departures over the high season. This
airliner has become so popular that it connects travelers to over a hundred destinations within the
US alone. Southwest Airlines has experienced tremendous growth and this success has been
likened to corporations like Google and the Ritz Carlton (Schleckser, 2018). Southwest’s
cleaning crew is very efficient to ensure a quick turnaround at the gates and the airliner ensures a
swift boarding process. Paying attention to customers’ needs and delivering great service
consistently has paid off as evidenced by the airliner’s ability to stay profitable for over four
Airline Industry: Economic Conditions
According to Airlines for America, the US airline industry drives $1.5 trillion in
economic activities and makes at least 10 million jobs. The U.S. General Accountability Office
surmised that the industry of airlines is susceptible to external shocks, recurring demand for its
services, and unwavering competi...

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