Nursing Cap1

User Generated


Health Medical


Project Title-Preventing Access flow infections in hemodiaysis patients
Write the name of your project.

Project Description-Problem idenified is access infections has high mortaity and morbidty rates- Solution I choose to implement is creating patient eduation and staff and patient audits to prevent access related infections. Patients that had Cathers were increased risk for access infections. Ensuring patients get a permanent access such as ( AVF or AVG) was importamt.
Describe the project and discuss the setting where the project took place.

  • Project Rationale
    Provide a justification for the selection of this project. Who will benefit and how will they benefit from this project (not including yourself)? What is the significance of the project, and how will it advance nursing science?

Personal/Professional Expectations
As you established this project, what did you hope to gain from this project, both professionally and personally.

Project Goals
Succinctly describe the long-and short-term goals of your project.

Analysis of the Literature
adding one or two articles that support your solution should be included when you write this sectionYour overview should include a brief review of the existing research on your topic and a discussion comparing this research to your project focus. How did your project meet the gaps in existing nursing knowledge?

Describe how you carried out the project.

  • adding how you developed and rolled out your tool would help


The findings should include your post-implementation findings, so what were your findings after you implemented your tool? Was compliance better? Were signs of infection identified sooner? Did infection rates decrease? - Based on implementing an Focus audit on hand hygiene and infection control audit - In the beggining of the audit the faciity scored low. After fining this out we did patient education and staff education . Frequent audits were important to ensure compliancy. Also pateints did not report signs and symptoms of access infection early to the clinical staff which was also a factor. Patient education on reporting signs and symptoms was important. 

  • What were the results of the project? What feedback did you receive from your stakeholders?

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Explanation & Answer


I. Project Description
- Addressing access infections in hemodialysis patients
- Development of training material and audits
- Importance of transitioning to permanent access types

II. Project Rationale
- Impact on patient outcomes, morbidity, and mortality
- Contribution to nursing science
- Model for similar settings

III. Personal/Professional Expectations
- Improving patient care standards and outcomes
- Enhancing understanding of infection control and education
- Develop leadership and research skills

IV. Project Goals
A. Short-term Goals
- Raising awareness and knowledge
- Improve compliance with hand hygiene
- Developing and implementing a Hand Hygiene Focus Audit Tool

B. Long-term Goals
- Reducing rate of infections
- Establishing a culture of safety and compliance
- Contributing to nursing science and patient care standards globally

V. Analysis of the Literature
- Existing research on prevention of access infections
- Importance of preventive approaches and education
- Addressing gaps in existing nursing knowledge

VI. Procedure
A. Literature review and benchmarking
B. Tool design
C. Pilot testing
D. Rollout of Hand Hygiene Focus Audit Tool
E. Training sessions
F. Implementation
G. Continuous monitoring and feedback loop

VII. Findings
- Improvements in hand hygiene and compliance rates
- Response from stakeholders
- Decrease in infection rates

VIII. Conclusion
- Success of focused intervention on education and audits
- Contribution to patient safety and health outcomes
- Further research and ongoing efforts


Preventing Access Flow Infections in Hemodialysis Patients



Project Description
This project aimed at addressing the significant problem of access infections in
hemodialysis patients, associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. The solution was
based on the development of training material for the patients and audits of both staff and
patients to prevent the development of infection through unauthorized access. In this case,
patients with catheters were found to have an increased risk of acquiring these infections. As
such, a key strategy in ensuring patients moved to permanent access types such as AVF or AVG
was ensuring that they transitioned to the same (Robinson et al., 2021). The project was
conducted in a clinical environment offering hemodialysis services aimed at enhancing patient
outcomes and staff practices related to infection control.
Project Rationale
The rationale behind choosing this project was due to the critical impact of access
infections on the quality of life and survival rates of hemodialysis patients. Patients were
intended to benefit...

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