Comp and Info Security

User Generated


Computer Science

Florida Institute of Technology-Melbourne


The required steps for the solution are:

1. Avoid plagiarism.

2. Do not use artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT, etc.

3. Utilize MATLAB software and attach a screenshot of the codes used within the program for each section.

4. Explain the solution method for each section.

5. The project requires attaching MATLAB results, including codes and images (as required by the project).

6. List the names of the programs used in the project on the last page.

7. Sentence formatting is required.

8. An attachment is provided for further clarification.

9. Pay attention to what is required within the subject file.

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1. Create a Docker Container and mention three network security tools. Write step by step process how you created a container and include screenshots to show that the docker is functional with the tools mentioned in Dockerfile. 2. Mention the command used to print your IP and MAC address. Paste screenshots 3. Explain in detail about the command and print details that show network status and protocol statistics with screenshot. 4. Create a network scanner with Scapy a. Create an ARP packet b. Set the network range c. Create an Ethernet packet d. Set the destination to broadcast e. Combine ARP request packet and Ethernet frame f. Send the packet to your network and capture the response g. Print the IP and MAC address from the response packets obtained 5. Capture a pcap file and take screenshots of following details mentioned below: a. Identify how to detect MAC and IP address. b. Write the command to filter by URL, port c. Explain the default columns in a packet capture output important note: Assignment 1 ---- Final output 4 files (.zip containing 1. Report of all the answers to assignment(.pdf) 2. Wireshark Capture(.pcap) 3. Dockerfile 4. Report of Dockerfile functioning commands and screenshot(.pdf)
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