APA - self care plan FOR SOCIAL WORKERS

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Self Care Plan

For this assignment, you will need to submit a 3-4 double-spaced page plan for self-care, building on what you wrote in the fall.  You will need to chronicle the actions that you are currently taking or plan to take to support the health and wellness of your emotional, physical, psychological, social, and spiritual selves during the semester and into your professional career. As a resource, please consult this Self-Care Starter Kit from University at Buffalo, School of Social Work.  For this assignment, please:

Outline what your personal well-being looks like now across dimensions of self (i.e., Emotions, Mind, Work, Relationships., Spirit, Body)  and what you hope it can look like going forward.

Outline challenges that can interfere or have interfered with well-being across these dimensions (connect to specific dimensions where possible) 

Outline supports that you have, or you want to develop to nurture well-being across these dimensions (connect to specific dimensions where possible) ---- since the fall and going forward. 

Outline what steps you are taking and will continue to take (and new plans you anticipate)  to actualize or embody your vision of personal well-being outlined above

Reflections on internship encounters this semester which you have experienced in understanding of your personal values and the values and ethics of our profession

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• Things I like to do for self-care are spend time by Canandaigua Lake, get a massage, relax in a salt room, do water aerobics, and visit the sauna at the gym. • I look forward to graduating with my MSW in May and starting a new chapter in my life. I am not sure exactly what I will be doing for a job, but I do know that I will be spending time in Albany and Washington advocating on bills that I am passionate about. • I have enjoyed making new like-minded friends in the MSW program and being able to share my success stories along with my challenges with my internship. • Challenges- I have decided to push myself this last semester and get certified in school social work, doing my internship in Clifton Spring Hospital CPEP unit to get a certificate for completion in evidence-based practice and graduate with a specialty in Play Therapy. This has not allowed me to relax and take care of all my needs, and my family time with my kids has been affected. • Going through a divorce last year and selling my house has been system stressful. I look forward to buying a new house and settling down with a home that I can call my own. • My health has been affected (I have Multiple Sclerosis (MS), which most people would not know I have by looking at me, but congenially, it affects me). By all the stress I have been under and trying to accomplish everything on my own. My daughter's mental health has also been a tool for me. Her multiple suicidal attempts trying to find love in all the wrong places and her being involved in domestic relationships. • My internship has taught me a lot about myself and how much I can handle, which is a lot….. It has also taught me that this is not a place I would like to work at. It is a very toxic place with all the backstabbing and disrespect to the supervisor as the employees bash her throughout the day and in front of hospital staff. The staff even talk about each other when they leave the room. The day staff is worse because they are much younger and lack work experience. The night staff is much older and has a great deal of professionalism. Self Care Plan For this assignment, you will need to submit a 3-4 double-spaced page plan for selfcare, building on what you wrote in the fall. You will need to chronicle the actions that you are currently taking or plan to take to support the health and wellness of your emotional, physical, psychological, social, and spiritual selves during the semester and into your professional career. As a resource, please consult this Self-Care Starter Kit from University at Buffalo, School of Social Work. For this assignment, please: ● Outline what your personal well-being looks like now across dimensions of self (i.e., Emotions, Mind, Work, Relationships., Spirit, Body) and what you hope it can look like going forward. ● Outline challenges that can interfere or have interfered with well-being across these dimensions (connect to specific dimensions where possible) ● Outline supports that you have, or you want to develop to nurture well-being across these dimensions (connect to specific dimensions where possible) ---since the fall and going forward. ● Outline what steps you are taking and will continue to take (and new plans you anticipate) to actualize or embody your vision of personal well-being outlined above ● Reflections on internship encounters this semester which you have experienced in understanding of your personal values and the values and ethics of our profession Please review the self-care, health promotion, and wellness professional literature as you develop this plan. Incorporate at least 2 professional peer-reviewed academic sources ( different from the fall) to support your updated plan. https://socialwork.buffalo.edu/resources/self-care-starter-kit.html
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A Self-Care Plan for Social Workers

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliations
Due Date

A Self-Care Plan
The social work profession is committed to promoting social changes in society by
helping individuals address issues they experience in their daily lives and thus become better
people. Social workers are frontline professionals who advocate for vulnerable people and help
them navigate the hardships and complications of life. As a professional, one is also expected to
practice in a fast-paced environment characterized by high workloads, unprecedented situations,
everyday changes in policy and practice, and emerging trends such as increasing cases of
children and adolescent mental health problems. While a commitment to helping vulnerable
people provides a purpose and fulfillment, it is often mentally exhausting, exposing social
workers to unhealthy work-life balance that contributes to stress and burnout. Due to the adverse
effects of dealing with intense, emotionally taxing situations daily, social workers need to
practice self-care to improve their physical and mental health and be of service to others in the
best shape possible.
How My Well-being Looks Like
As a social worker who has worked in the CPEP unit at Clifton Spring Hospital in a
multidisciplinary hospital team, I evaluated patients using psychosocial assessments, assisted
patients and families to understand their conditions and available treatment options, and educated
patients on interventions that help cope with trauma. I also connected patients and their families
to available resources within the hospital and community and ...

Just what I needed…Fantastic!


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