Should laws be changed based upon the time period

User Generated




Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 450 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Part 1
One common point of debate in law is whether laws should be changed based upon the times or circumstances. It has been a consideration since the Founding Fathers created the Constitution. For this debate discussion, your task is to consider this issue, as it relates specifically to two particular laws. The topic up for debate: should the Dodd-Frank Act and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act be flexible and change based upon the times or circumstances.

Read this article and then this information from the SEC on these Acts, and conduct a brief analysis of each, to demonstrate your understanding of both.

Part 2 (post this response under part one (labeled "against")

Based on the first initial of your last name, complete the following: Provide an argument against the ability of laws to be modified based on times/ circumstances. Submit your position by posting in the Unit 2 Debate forum under the against topic.

*provide research that supports your assertions in the for of cite/refrences.

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Explanation & Answer

Whats up buddy?😀 I completed the assignment and I used APA style for formatting and referencing.😎 Everything should be clear but if you have any questions..hit me up and I will explain..😇 Otherwise if the work is satisfactory, go ahead to complete and review the question below..👇

Running head: CHANGES IN LAW


Changes in Law


Changes in Law

Since the founding fathers wrote the constitution, numerous changes have been made to it
based on circumstances and era. Some people may agree that these changes were necessary for
the better governance of the country. However, other people view these changes as non-essential.
These differences of opinion have caused the topic of changes in the law to be a typical debate
point. Although some of these changes have led to positive results, some changes in the law have
caused more issues than anticipated.
Part One
When it comes to changes in laws t...

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