1000 word minimum
You have learned that Mr. Potts does not drink alcohol in the mornings. He does not binge drink, and he does not drink on Tuesdays. He does, however, drink the other 6 days of the week. Mrs. Potts explains his pattern of drinking Monday through Friday with his partners as stated in the scenario, but he does not drink at home on those days. She also informs you that he does drink on Saturdays at home, often starting in the afternoon and passing out by dinnertime. He has a history of being loud, frightening, and angry when under the influence of alcohol. You also learn that Mr. Potts's father was a winemaker from Italy. Your supervisor, Officer Rexford, suggests that you apply your knowledge of issues surrounding alcoholism and alcohol addiction to this case and write a memo to him. The memo should include the proper headings: "To," "From," "Date," and "Re:." The docket number and probation case file number should be included in the "Re:" section. You are beginning to determine whether Mr. Potts has an issue with alcohol that needs to be further addressed.
In the memo, do the following:
- Submit the assignment in the format of a memo.
- Include the proper headings: "To," "From," "Date," and "Re:." The docket number and probation case file number need to be included in the "Re:" section.
- Apply the facts of Mr. Potts's case to the definitions of alcoholism and alcohol addiction.
- Apply these facts to the differences between alcohol use and abuse.
- Apply these facts to the DSM-IV criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol abuse.
- Apply these facts to the disease model of alcohol abuse.
Apply these facts to the role genetics and heredity may play in the transmission of alcoholism from one generation to another.

Explanation & Answer

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Alcoholism and Alcohol Addiction
Institutional Affiliation
Officer Rexford, Supervisor
Student’s Name
Alcoholism and Alcohol Addiction (Court Docket Number 55555,
Probation Case Number 11111-A)
The purpose of writing this memo is to provide information on alcoholism and alcohol
addictions based on the probation Case Number 11111-A. Alcoholism is defined as the abuse
of alcohol in the most severe way. One aspect of alcoholism is the lack of ability which will
be involved when it comes to the management of drinking habits. Alcohol addiction will be a
disease of chronic nature where the person's body and his mind depend on alcohol to get by.
In other words, alcohol addiction can be defined as alcohol dependence. Based on the
information that surrounds the case, Mr. Potts does not suffer from alcohol addiction
(Jellinek, 1960).
The case facts feature information that Mr. Potts does drink any alcohol in the morning hours
but will, however, drink alcohol in the evenings with his partners except Tuesdays. On
Saturdays, he will drink alcohol in the afternoon which will lead him to pass out by the time
dinner is ready. Alcohol addiction traits will feature a lack of control when it comes to
drinking. A person wh...