Write a five page essay in which you (a) present a detailed moral scenario, (b) concisely explain the moral theory articulated by Mill in Utilitarianism, (c) use that explanation to assess your moral scenario, and (d) evaluate the theory: identify one problem a reasonable person can raise for Mill’s utilitarian ethics and explain how the utilitarian can respond to the problem.
You have a great deal of latitude in developing your scenario. You may present a dilemma, a specific action, or a way of life. The scenario may be taken from history, from fiction, or from your own imagination. It is crucial, however, that you choose a scenario which allows you to explain and evaluate the essential features of Mill’s moral view. A successful essay will (1) present a scenario suitable for moral assessment, (2) articulate a clear understanding of what is central to Mill’s moral view and its justifying arguments, (3) assess the scenario in a way that exhibits that clear understanding, and (4) evaluate the grounds of this assessment thoughtfully.
Explanation & Answer
Hi, I finished. I followed the outline provided by your teacher. I included information from Notre Dame's website since I wasn't told which book you are currently using. If you want, send me the book's name and I will include it as part of the references.
Title Page
Table of Contents
Moral Scenario: Multi-Level Marketing ......................................................................................... 3
How Multi-Level Marketing Works ........................................................................................... 3
Pyramid Schemes ........................................................................................................................ 3
Are Legal MLMs Immoral? ........................................................................................................ 4
Mill’s Utilitarianism ........................................................................................................................ 4
Key Principles ............................................................................................................................. 5
Greatest Happiness Principle .................................................................................................. 5
Importance of Sentience ......................................................................................................... 5
Felicific Calculus .................................................................................................................... 6
Other Key Aspects of Mill’s Utilitarianism ................................................................................ 6
Assessing MLMs Morality Through Utilitarianism ....................................................................... 7
Reasonable Problem Associated to Assessing MLMs Through Utilitarianism .............................. 9
References ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Moral Scenario: Multi-Level Marketing
Multi-level marketing (MLM) companies include large and well-recognized companies in
the world like Amway (nutrition supplements), Natura (owner of Avon and other makeup
brands), and Herbalife (nutritional supplements). MLM companies have been accused repeatedly
of being a scam or serving as pyramid schemes (Federal Trade Commission, 2022). Not all
MLMs are pyramid schemes, which are illegal, but all of them have “morally dubious” business
How Multi-Level Marketing Works
According to the FTC, legal MLM companies operate through independent consultants,
participants, associates, contractors, etc. This means that there is no employer-employee
relationship. Sales are performed person-to-person, meaning that these independent associates
(let’s use this term), will sell products on their own to people that...