In a two-page paper, describe the differences between major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Then, differentiate bipolar disorder from borderline personality disorder. Why do you think these disorders are commonly confused?
Find three peer-reviewed articles on treating these conditions (one for each disorder). Describe reasons why correctly identifying these disorders is important for treatment.
Parameters: APA format; Times New Roman, 12-pt. font; one-inch margins; double-spaced; subheads; two-pages, in addition to a cover page and a reference page; support your paper with academic references.
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Mental Disorders
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Mental Disorders
Difference between Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder
Depression can easily be confused with bipolar disorder because both conditions are often
characterized by depressive episodes. On the one hand, major depressive disorder, or simply
depression, describes a mood state that leads to a continuous sensation of unhappiness and lack of
interest. Depression influences how an individual acts, reasons, and feels and can cause different
bodily and emotional issues (Dwyer et al., 2020). An individual suffering from this condition often
experiences trouble performing daily activities and, at times, feels as if life is not worth living. Other
significant symptoms of depression include appetite changes, lack of energy, poor attention,
anxiety, sleep alterations, and feeling guilty. According to Bains and Abdijadid (2023),
depression is more prevalent among individuals lacking close interpersonal relationships and
who are widowed, separate...