Complete the final examination in MyStatLab. This summative assessment is cumulative for the material covered in Modules One through Seven, but not for the material covered in Module Eight.
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5 pages
20200805213432reliability And Validity
1) Based on the information provided from Williams et al. (2017) study, which of the two scales have the higher Cronbach� ...
20200805213432reliability And Validity
1) Based on the information provided from Williams et al. (2017) study, which of the two scales have the higher Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for ...
Cuyamaca College The Distribution of Credit Card Debt Questions
Descriptive StatisticsPromptDescribe the distribution of credit card debt separated by gender using concepts from Unit 2 ( ...
Cuyamaca College The Distribution of Credit Card Debt Questions
Descriptive StatisticsPromptDescribe the distribution of credit card debt separated by gender using concepts from Unit 2 (Modules 4-7).Make an appropriate graph and provide appropriate numerical summaries in table form.Describe the shape, center, and spread using numerical measures that best describe the distribution.In your description, include an interval of typical values and a discussion of variability.Embed your StatCrunch graph and any tables with summary statistics in your response.Do the data suggest that males or females are more likely to have higher credit card debt?Use the data to support your answerSummary statistics for CC Debt:Group by: Gender
GendernMeanStd. dev.MedianRangeMinMaxQ1Q3IQRFemale1292768.92252174.49042373904109041121239302718Male713719.08452722.4792355613326013326167149003229Answer the prompt based on the graph and the table. It must be at 3 to 4 paragraph, including the conclusion. Make sure to use numbers from the table to as evidence. Include the graph and table in the document. No outside sources.
3 pages
Summary And Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency were calculated by using excel formulas. To determine the mean it was used the formula: Avera ...
Summary And Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency were calculated by using excel formulas. To determine the mean it was used the formula: Average(), for the median was ...
Lesson 2 Measure of Central Tendency and Variation.
Lesson 2 Measure of Central Tendency and Variation.Use a new Excel workbook/spreadsheet for this assignment. We are intere ...
Lesson 2 Measure of Central Tendency and Variation.
Lesson 2 Measure of Central Tendency and Variation.Use a new Excel workbook/spreadsheet for this assignment. We are interested in characteristics of Public Universities in the state of Ohio. The enrollments of all 13 public universities in the state of Ohio are listed below. CollegeEnrollmentUniversity of Akron25,942Bowling Green State University18,989Central State University1,820University of Cincinnati36,415Cleveland State University15,664Kent State University34,056Miami University17,161Ohio State University59,091Ohio University20,437Shawnee State University4,300University of Toledo20,775Wright State University18,786Youngstown State University14,682Is this a sample or a population?What is the mean enrollment?What is the median enrollment?What is the range of the enrollments?Compute the standard deviation.Grading: Each of 5 parts is worth 20 points each.In order to access the Excel Data File, Click HERE
University of California Los Angeles Conditionally Convergent Exercises
2. Let xn =
n2+1 .
(a) Prove that (xn) is a decreasing sequence.
(b) Prove that P∞
n=1(−1)n+1xn is a converge ...
University of California Los Angeles Conditionally Convergent Exercises
2. Let xn =
n2+1 .
(a) Prove that (xn) is a decreasing sequence.
(b) Prove that P∞
n=1(−1)n+1xn is a convergent series.
(c) Find a constant c > 0 such that xn ≥
for all n ∈ N.
(d) Determine whether the series P∞
n=1(−1)n+1xn is absolutely or conditionally convergent. 3. Let P∞
n=1 xn and P∞
n=1 yn be convergent series. Show that:
(a) P∞
n=1(axn) = a
n=1 xn for any a ∈ R.
(b) Show that P∞
n=1(xn + yn) = P∞
n=1 xn +
n=1 yn.
These results are series analogues of the Algebraic limit theorem.
(c) Show that the assumption that both series converge is necessary for part (b).
(d) Is it true that P∞
n=1 xnyn =
n=1 xn
n=1 yn
6. Study the convergence of the following series:
(a) X∞
(b) X∞
(c) X∞
2 + 2
n2 + 1
(d) X∞
log n
(log n)
(e) X∞
n + 1 −
(f) X∞
(xn+1 − xn) for any sequence (xn)
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20200805213432reliability And Validity
1) Based on the information provided from Williams et al. (2017) study, which of the two scales have the higher Cronbach� ...
20200805213432reliability And Validity
1) Based on the information provided from Williams et al. (2017) study, which of the two scales have the higher Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for ...
Cuyamaca College The Distribution of Credit Card Debt Questions
Descriptive StatisticsPromptDescribe the distribution of credit card debt separated by gender using concepts from Unit 2 ( ...
Cuyamaca College The Distribution of Credit Card Debt Questions
Descriptive StatisticsPromptDescribe the distribution of credit card debt separated by gender using concepts from Unit 2 (Modules 4-7).Make an appropriate graph and provide appropriate numerical summaries in table form.Describe the shape, center, and spread using numerical measures that best describe the distribution.In your description, include an interval of typical values and a discussion of variability.Embed your StatCrunch graph and any tables with summary statistics in your response.Do the data suggest that males or females are more likely to have higher credit card debt?Use the data to support your answerSummary statistics for CC Debt:Group by: Gender
GendernMeanStd. dev.MedianRangeMinMaxQ1Q3IQRFemale1292768.92252174.49042373904109041121239302718Male713719.08452722.4792355613326013326167149003229Answer the prompt based on the graph and the table. It must be at 3 to 4 paragraph, including the conclusion. Make sure to use numbers from the table to as evidence. Include the graph and table in the document. No outside sources.
3 pages
Summary And Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency were calculated by using excel formulas. To determine the mean it was used the formula: Avera ...
Summary And Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency were calculated by using excel formulas. To determine the mean it was used the formula: Average(), for the median was ...
Lesson 2 Measure of Central Tendency and Variation.
Lesson 2 Measure of Central Tendency and Variation.Use a new Excel workbook/spreadsheet for this assignment. We are intere ...
Lesson 2 Measure of Central Tendency and Variation.
Lesson 2 Measure of Central Tendency and Variation.Use a new Excel workbook/spreadsheet for this assignment. We are interested in characteristics of Public Universities in the state of Ohio. The enrollments of all 13 public universities in the state of Ohio are listed below. CollegeEnrollmentUniversity of Akron25,942Bowling Green State University18,989Central State University1,820University of Cincinnati36,415Cleveland State University15,664Kent State University34,056Miami University17,161Ohio State University59,091Ohio University20,437Shawnee State University4,300University of Toledo20,775Wright State University18,786Youngstown State University14,682Is this a sample or a population?What is the mean enrollment?What is the median enrollment?What is the range of the enrollments?Compute the standard deviation.Grading: Each of 5 parts is worth 20 points each.In order to access the Excel Data File, Click HERE
University of California Los Angeles Conditionally Convergent Exercises
2. Let xn =
n2+1 .
(a) Prove that (xn) is a decreasing sequence.
(b) Prove that P∞
n=1(−1)n+1xn is a converge ...
University of California Los Angeles Conditionally Convergent Exercises
2. Let xn =
n2+1 .
(a) Prove that (xn) is a decreasing sequence.
(b) Prove that P∞
n=1(−1)n+1xn is a convergent series.
(c) Find a constant c > 0 such that xn ≥
for all n ∈ N.
(d) Determine whether the series P∞
n=1(−1)n+1xn is absolutely or conditionally convergent. 3. Let P∞
n=1 xn and P∞
n=1 yn be convergent series. Show that:
(a) P∞
n=1(axn) = a
n=1 xn for any a ∈ R.
(b) Show that P∞
n=1(xn + yn) = P∞
n=1 xn +
n=1 yn.
These results are series analogues of the Algebraic limit theorem.
(c) Show that the assumption that both series converge is necessary for part (b).
(d) Is it true that P∞
n=1 xnyn =
n=1 xn
n=1 yn
6. Study the convergence of the following series:
(a) X∞
(b) X∞
(c) X∞
2 + 2
n2 + 1
(d) X∞
log n
(log n)
(e) X∞
n + 1 −
(f) X∞
(xn+1 − xn) for any sequence (xn)
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