Women's Studies Question

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Write a research paper offering deeper analysis into any of the issues from the first part of the course (any of the social, cultural, political, or economic issues that inform the choices mothers make to work full- or part-time or to stay home without outside employment                                                                                          

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Carter 1 Latonia Carter BLS-385-01 Dr. Carrie Levesque Exploring The Challenges of African American /Black Single Moms in Corporate I am a single African-American mom who's had an impressive 35-year career. I spent 18 years in the corporate scene before dedicating 17 years to education. My paths show the ups and downs of juggling life as a solo parent, a Black woman, and a working pro. In my banking days, I earned enough to support and school my three girls on my own. When I made the leap to schools, that was a whole new ballgame. I faced different hurdles and chances, especially when it came to balancing work with taking care of my kids' learning. This research will examine the experiences of being a single mother who is also African-American/Black and working in a professional role. It will discuss the distinct challenges that these African-American/Black single moms face in their jobs and as students, highlighting how their identity affects their work prospects and family lives. It will cover how hard it is to juggle a busy corporate job with raising kids. Also, the paper will talk about the differences they encounter at work—like the difficulty of bringing kids to the office during surprise shutdowns—compared to schools, which tend to offer more flexibility and better balance between work and personal life. This paper is all about the power, toughness, and successes of African-American/Black single moms. It will show the two sides they live in and give some good tips for improving our lives and jobs as black single moms bringing up their children. Below are three studies that will inform the above research on African-American single women balancing work and nurturing their children in the corporate world. Carter 2 Indrayanti, et al. “Single Mother Role in the Success of Their Children (Phenomenological Study of Single Women in Makassar City).” Proceedings of MICoMS 2017 (Emerald Reach Proceedings Series, Vol. 1), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, Pp. 229-234., 2018, https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/978-1-78756-793-100077/full/html. This article offers insight that acknowledges the challenges women face when playing multiple roles in single-parent families. The study was conducted in Makassar City, and it focused on the dual duties of single women, being nurturers and breadwinners. The study's aims are similar to my research because the challenges the single women in Makassar City go through are similar to those of Black single mothers in the corporate world when navigating the demands of familial responsibilities and professional careers. These challenges include meeting job responsibilities, financial management, and time management in nurturing their children. The study hints at the theme of single mothers' personal growth and resilience, which is a theme I will assess in my research (Indrayanti et al.). Lastly, the study offers original insights to the current body of research on single motherhood, and its findings are valid due to the extensive methodology. Johnson, Johnitha Watkins. “All I Do Is Win . . . No Matter What”: Low-Income, African American Single Mothers and Their Collegiate Daughters’ Unrelenting Academic Achievement.” The Journal of Negro Education, vol. 85, no. 2, 2016, p. 156, https://doi.org/10.7709/jnegroeducation.85.2.0156. The paper titled "Low-Income, African American Single Mothers and their Collegiate Daughters' Unrelenting Academic Achievement" focuses on the tough and persistent efforts of African American single mothers and their daughters in college (Johnson). Just like in schools, in the workplace, these single moms show determination as they juggle their job duties with parenting. Carter 3 Talking about "Low income" points to the financial struggles African American single mothers often deal with. These problems are similar for those working corporate jobs, who might face unequal pay, unfair treatment at work, and the struggle to manage work and home life. Patihis, Lawrence, et al. “Black American College Students Report Higher Memory of Love for Mothers in Childhood than White Students.” Psychological Reports, vol. 122, no. 3, Apr. 2018, pp. 880–98, https://doi.org/10.1177/0033294118772549. The study looks at how different parts of a person's identity intersect. Patihis et al. examine race along with loving memories of mothers. My research focuses on the overlap of being a lowincome, African American single mother or daughter in college. Although my research doesn't directly examine academic success, it suggests that feelings and memories of a mother's love might leave a lasting impression. These insights could connect with what I'm studying - the nonstop academic success of college women and how their motivation might be linked to their emotional experiences. I will like to do a research paper� The final project topic, "Exploring The Challenges of African American/Black Single Moms in Corporate," was selected because it has a great deal of societal significance, and there is a need for a thorough understanding of the particular difficulties that a specific group of people in the corporate world encounters. This project intends to illuminate how race, gender, and family structure are intertwined, explicitly emphasizing African American/Black single moms. By exploring this topic, the initiative can add to the larger conversation on diversity, equity, and inclusion in business settings. By being aware of the unique difficulties this group faces, rules, procedures, and support networks can be improved to foster an inclusive and encouraging work environment. Addressing these issues also encourages diversity in business leadership at all levels, creating a more equitable and representative workplace environment. This subject has been selected to promote awareness, comprehension, and practical ideas for bringing about constructive change in business settings.
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Exploring The Challenges of African American/Black Single Moms in Corporate
The problem of single parenting in the US has been constant for decades, especially
among Black families. Furthermore, the number of these black families has constantly
increased since the nineteenth century due to prevailing factors such as divorce, death, and
other personal reasons. In 2022, there were about 4.15 million Black families with single
mothers in the US. The cause of raising children as a single mother similarly comes with
demands as the parent is entirely depended on by the children as both the mother and the
breadwinner in the family. Thus, the challenges faced by African American/Black single
mothers in the corporate world are often overlooked and underrepresented in discussions
surrounding diversity and inclusion. I believe that understanding the unique barriers and
struggles that these people suffer is important, especially in the pursuit of a supportive and
all-inclusive working environment. In such a pursuit, social issues such as race, gender, and
the structure of the family play a crucial role in shaping the role of Black women in the
corporate world. Thus, this paper aims to explore the struggles faced by Black Single
Mothers in the corporate world as well as discuss the This essay aims to shed light on the
hurdles faced by African American/Black single moms in the corporate world and provide a
platform for discussion and advocacy for their needs and experiences.
Challenges Faced by African American/Black Single Moms in Professional Roles
As a single mother who has worked in the corporate world for one and a half decades,
I have experienced so many challenges which were often caused by gender, race, and family

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structure. The demanding work experience has also challenged my decision-making process
since it has often led me into a dilemma on what to choose between taking full care of my
children and whether to spend more time at work to better their lives. In addition, Single
mothers are often faced with the lack of adequate support systems and resources, which can
force them to make difficult life choices of career vs. their families, thus causing them to
experience guilt and stress (Indrayanti et al., 230). Race, gender, and family structure also
have a bearing on African-American single mothers in corporate organizations because of the
kind of support network they have. Similarly, many African American single mothers
encounter a host of intricate challenges in professional roles, necessitating a deeper
exploration of the intersection of race, gender, and family structure within corporate
environments. These factors have created a unique se...

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