Psychology Question

User Generated



Florida Institute of Technology-Melbourne


Describe an adjustment that has been made by yourself, someone you know. Apply psychology adjustments concepts.

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Explanation & Answer



Personal Behavioral Adjustment

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Personal Behavioral Adjustment
For the last eight months, my brother has been struggling with smoking. Peer pressure
and the bad company that he continues to keep are among the major contributing factors, which
have also adversely affected his academic performance and his finances. Particularly, his
addiction to smoking pushes him to spend a significant fraction of his pocket money on drugs,
thereby rendering him unable to afford necessities such as food and shelter. The smoking
behavior also negatively impacted his academic performance as the resultant erratic behavior
pushed him to miss classes and assignment deadlines and he almost dropped out of school. After
failing several major assignments, he realized that he had a problem and recognized that there
was an urgent and necessary need to change his behavior or ...

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