Astah model - System Analysis and Design

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Computer Science


Astah model (link) is already half way done. The direction might look long but you actually only have to do the part that I highlighted in bold, other than that are information to be known and direction, it will help you understand the assignment better. Don't take this assignment if you don't know about Astah and System Modeling, because I seriously need at least a 95 for this assignment.

Astah file:


Nick’s Bike Rental Shop rents bicycles on Tybee Island in Georgia.Bikes are rented by the hour to customers who must pay by credit card in case the bikes are not returned or returned with damage.

The people involved with Nick’s Bike Shop are the customers and the staff.For the customers, Nick's need to know their drivers license number and issuing state as identifiers, along with their last name, first name, address, state, zip code, credit card number, CC type, and the CC expiration date.For the staff, Nick’s need to know their employee ID, last name, first name, address, state, zip code, and date of hire.

There are two main events that occur at Nick’s Bike Shop, checking out bikes and checking in bikes.Both of the events are initiated by the customer with the staff responding.

The other things Nick’s Bike Shop needs to keep track of are the rental agreements and the bike inventory.For each rental agreement Nick’s needs to know which customer rented which bike on what date as identifiers, the check out time, the check in time, and if there was any damage to the bike at check in.For the bikes, Nick’s need to know the bike’s ID number, it’s description, and the cost per hour.

A customer may rent many different bikes and a bike may be rental by many different customers.A rental agreement may be for one or more bikes, however, each rental agreement is associated with only one customer, not matter how many bikes are associated with the rental agreement.Each rental agreement is completed by a single staff member although a staff member may complete many rental agreements.

When a customer check out a bike, the staff member will record the customer’s information and specific bike they want to rent, then check to see if the customer has ever damaged a bike in the past and check that their credit card is valid.If the customer has ever damaged a bike or if their credit card is not valid, the rental agreement is terminated, otherwise the bike is issued.


Business Object Classes, Attributes, and Diagram

Within the Business Object Model Package/Folder within the Logical View:

Create Business Object Classes for Rental Agreement and Bike Inventory and populate them with attributes and data types.

Create a Class Diagram that shows the two actors and two classes and the associations and multiplicities between the actors and classes.

Activity Diagram with Objects and Object Flows

Within the Check Out Bike use case:

Update the Activity Diagram for the Check Out Bike use case to show the objects (with names) and object flows required for each activity.

Sequence Diagram

Within the Check Out Bike use case:

Create a Sequence Diagram for the Check Out Bike use case (include Boundary and Control classes.)Include a return message for each message on the Sequence Diagram.Add methods/operations to the Actors and Business Object Classes that correspond to each message and associate the methods/operations with each message.


Attach your Astah file to the Final Exam folder in the Dropbox in D2L and submit.

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