
User Generated


Computer Science


There are make-versus-buy decisions all the time in Information Systems. With the advent of cloud-based services, there are a lot of services or components that you can use as all or part of your IS design. Let's research and identify some of the software or hardware you can buy instead of make. Discuss the advantages or potential disadvatages, too.

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Explanation & Answer


Information Systems

Information Systems

Course Code:

Information Systems

There are emerging trends and technologies that could improve and enhance the business system
of the selected business. There has been a significant increase in internet usage throughout the
world. There has been an increase in the accessibility of internet and the number of users.
Networks in society affect the handling and dissemination of information in society
(Traunmüller, 2013). Technological advancements reduce the impact of distance on networks.
There are subgr...

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