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Business Finance


it is about Tesla . the details will be provided in the attachment below.

Learning Objective: to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a firm; and, to determine the core competence that can be built on to establish a competitive advantage.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: TESLA MOTOR INC


Tesla Motor Inc.
Institutional Affiliation



Tesla Inc. is a Moto vehicle company formally known as Tesla Motors. It is an American
company that specializes in energy storage, electric vehicle, and solar panel manufacturing and
located in Palo Alto, California. The company was established in the year 2003 and specializes
in the production of the lithium-ion battery, electric car, energy storage as well as residential
photovoltaic panels. The company has hit the world market with its production, especially the
unique gadgets that give it a competitive advantage and hence being the best seller. One of the
significant products that trended and was the best in the world was Model S plug-in Eclectic car
of 2015. This discussion will, therefore, focus on the environment in which the company
operates and how it has used them to overcome the challenges towards achieving its success.
Strategic Posture
According to the current missions, visions, and objectives of Tesla Inc., the company has
performed tremendously. Its purpose is to come up with alternative energy vehicle for
individuals who love to drive. Its statement is very appropriate to the company because EVs, one
of the products is very stylish and provides a product that offers high-end performance suit for
driving lovers. The objectives of the company are to achieve both growths in profit and sale, to
provide leadership in technology in the electric vehicles and to foster social responsibility and
sustainability (Kalayjian et al., 2016). All these objectives are an inconsistency with the
company’s strategic posture.
The company does also have functional and business strategies which entail growth
through innovation and to expand product offspring as it develops sales of Model S which create
higher demand in turn. The company also has an expansion strategy that is based on alliance and



partnership with Daimler and Toyota that aims at supplying electric powertrains that use the
electric vehicle designs. Moreover, the issue of sustainability and social responsibility has been
ensured, primarily through the development of non-petroleum products and guaranteeing
minimal carbon emissions. All these laid plans are aims to provide an extended lasting strategic
posture to the company.
External Environment
Tesla Inc. experiences a tremendous environmental effect in its operation. A close
analysis of the firm reveals that it operates under different conditions that shape its services and
help it achieve its sale as well as its profitability. Therefore, this section will analyze the external
environmental factors, together with strength, weaknesses, opportunity, and threats under which
the company operates.
SWOT Analysis
Opportunities for Tesla Inc
A close analysis of the external factors gives the company an opportunity to grow and
develop. These external factors an opportunities, when used adequately, will make Tesla Inc.
improve the performance its performance in the market. Among the significant opportunities that
face the company and can make it improve its performance in the global market. One of the
possibilities is the chance to expand its global sale. It has an opportunity to develop its chain
management as well as to diversify its business.
Tesla must, therefore, consider taking the opportunity to participate in the global sale.
This opportunity comes as a result of increasing economic growth of different countries which

demands more goods that are environment-friendly. In this case, the company can expand its
sales in Asia Automotive market. Developing the company’s supply chain management that
supports global extends and sale opportunity and production is another important aspect of the
possibilities. In this case, it places much emphasis on the small extent of the operati...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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