Literature Question

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Florida Institute of Technology-Melbourne


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Explanation & Answer



Life of a Slave Girl


Due to her lifelong history of deceit, Jacob harbors skepticism towards individuals who
express sympathy towards her. During her enslavement, all those who made commitments to
emancipate her never succeeded; those who did so on numerous occasions were unsuccessful
(Braxton et al., 2019). For instance, out of envy for her husband and the enslaved person, her
mistress later falsely accused her of a crime despite having initially vowed to shield her from her
master. After being deceived, most individuals negatively perceive the deceiver (Braxton et al.,
2019). As a result of the detrimental consequences that mistrust imposes on our lives, we
frequently harbor grievances as a safeguard against further harm.
Harriet Jacobs emphasizes in the preface to "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" that she
is not inclined to be consoled for the challenges she encountered as an enslaved person. Sherman
et al. (2019), state that they aim to bring attention to the inequitable treatment of the millions of
Southern women who, in addition to their Northern counterparts, were sold into slavery. Jacobs
is possibly apprehensive of sympathy due to her cognizance of its finite nature and its propensity
to transform into a transitory sentiment rather than a driving force behind the substantial
transformation. Jacobs stresses the importance of Northern women developing a "realizing
sense" regarding the tribulations endured by subjugated individuals to inspire constructive

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