190. Read the case readings very carefully and finish 3pages(800words) case questions.

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Business Finance


Read the case readings very carefully and finish 3pages(800words) case questions.

Read the case readings on dropbox:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uojuf741zz6u0jl/AACl1kE...

Answer 800words approximately case questions. No external references allowed.

Please read the requirements very carefully. And the most important, everything has to be 100 percent original, any kind of plagiarism cannot be accepted. Thank you so much!!

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Case Questions: try to keep the word counts in each section the same. FOUR questions total. Questions in red and bold. Do not copy and paste, or simply summarize up the whole information into paragraphs. I need personal thoughts, also critical thinking Do NOT use any other external references for ANY case analysis. Please cite the case only. 1. Discuss MSO’s corporate governance. Has the company been able to separate the ownership and managerial control? Read this first! 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of MSO’s board of directors (A). Have the directors been able to monitor and control the company (B)? Read this first! And also make evaluation with the framework below. You need to answer both questions. A: Using the VRIO framework to evaluate the effectiveness of MSO’s board of directors. Opportunity to apply VRIO as a course tool to see if it will give the organization competitive advantage to address their Strategic Decisions. VRIO framework VRIO framework is a theoretical framework that explains and predicts firm-level competitive advantage. According to this model, a firm can gain and sustain a competitive advantage only when it has resources that satisfy all of the VRIO criteria. Keep in mind that resources in the VRIO framework are broadly defined to include any assets as well as any capabilities and competencies that a firm can draw upon when formulating and implementing strategy. So to some degree, this presentation of the VRIO model summarizes all of our discussion in the chapter so far. B: Below is the guide you need to evaluate the board of directors. How did the board of directors accomplish their jobs. 3. Executive compensation is a method of governance mechanisms. Discuss Martha Stewart’s compensation and evaluate its effectiveness. Read this first! And make evaluation based on the guide. it is important that the effectiveness ties back to the strategic decisions, strategic alternatives, evaluation criteria. 4. Is MSO in financial trouble? Discuss the possibility of the market for corporate control. Will MSO become a takeover target? Critical Thinking: Applies appropriate weights/factors to analyze multiple objectives, principals and/or problem dimensions. Make evaluation of the market with the framework below. Discuss the possibility of the market for corporate control. PESTLE analysis To check how it works - https://www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/content/pestle-analysisexample
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if the doc needs for me to format either in MLA or APA you may tell me so i can do so. otherwise as your instructions clearly indicate no references i did not use any. please let me know so i can do so ASAP

Case Questions:

Discuss MSO’s corporate governance. Has the company been able to separate
the ownership and managerial control?

MSO’s corporate governance was lacking in strategic planning and effective leadership.
That being said there was a lack of proper mechanisms put in place that would allow for
the least number of changes, both in leadership as well as in the retention of employees
to be adopted in the enterprise so as to ensure that the enterprise was capable of
achieving its objectives and goals. However, from the case study it becomes apparent
how difficult it has been foe MSO to separate the ownership of the enterprise and the
managerial control. In essence, the fact that there is conflict between the leaders being
mandated with the task of running the enterprise and the direct confrontation of the
same by Martha shows how lacking in a differentiation of the two there is. For instance,
Martha goes to use a statement such as she was the company clearly insinuating that she
was indeed the face and image of that show simply because management had insinuated
that the company would best be made private. For Martha MSO was a brand she
identified as her own and thus that clouded her judgment in most cases. Even when
suggestions made were concise and quite possibly bent on fueling an increase in
revenues and profitability...

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