read article and answer question

User Generated




read three article and finish the reading log. The reading log has: summary main idea sentence, thesis statement, response topic 123 sentences.

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Explanation & Answer

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Reading log
Ban the term fake news

The term fake news oversimplifies a very complex problem, and the term itself


is self-defeating.
Thesis statement
The term ‘fake news’ has lost meaning and it ought to be ban for various


Early this year (2017) the term fake news started becoming meaningless since


most of the politicians used it to determine independent journalism as they put in
their efforts to reach the public making the term “fake news” weaponized.
This term, fake news is used to clamp down luxury and free speech in countries
where a free press is a luxury and a free speech since everybody there tends to
use the term. The term also becomes lamentably scarce when we need to
describe a complex situation, for in...

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