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I have an essay on my picot statement ready.My topic is clinical provider shortages. All I need is to make a simple picot question from it.I have attached my document. Please follow the example below.. Like a quick picot lookup.

do not need an essay regarding the PICOT question (don't write a paper of 750 words) instead, all I need you to do is to follow the example below:

Post a paper with the following.

P - problem and population

I - Intervention (what intervention you are going to do that is based off of evidence based research

C - comparisons. (what are you comparing your outcomes to)

O - outcomes. What measureable outcomes are you looking at. Remember the outcomes need to be measureable. For example CAUTI/1000 patient days.

T - Time frame. What time frame are you looking at for the project. Remember, you need three data points in the outcomes to note a change in practice.

Then write the PICOT question.

Here is an example:

Population: ICU Patients who are intubated. The problem is ventillated associated pneumonia

Intervention: Oral care every 6 hours

Comparison: The rate of VAPS before and after the initiation of oral care.

Outome: Ventilated Associated Outcomes per 1000 patient days.

Time: over 6 months.

So I would write a PICOT question like this:

Does the implementation of agressvie oral care every six hours in ventilated patients decrease the incidence of VAPs/1000 patient days over 6 months?

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Running head: PICOT STATEMENT 1 PICOT statement Grand Canyon University NRS 490 April 15th, 2018 PICOT STATEMENT 2 PICOT statement The clinical problem Clinical care provider shortage is a major problem facing the hospitals in the United States. The shortage of health care providers needs to be attended to within the shortest time possible so as to avoid large number of unattended patients and improve on the clinical care outcome. Evidence-based solution One of the best ways to ensure that the shortage does not affect the clinical care provision is by joining hands with nursing institutions so as to train the nurses while receiving their services and in this way, everyone can benefit from the collaboration. An example of this is where the Southern Ohio Fairfield Medical Centre has partnered with Mount Carmel Health System in Columbus to give space for the Nursing campus within the Fairfield facility. The campus was experiencing shortage of space to develop a satellite campus and also most of the nursing students came from around Fairfield. The medical facilities aimed to benefit from the nursing students by allowing them to do their classroom studies for one year then the next three years of their studies in the clinical facilities (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2015). The institution benefited in the sense that they were given free space to put up the campus and the students did not have to incur more transport costs to the main campus. Nursing intervention The nursing intervention that can be best and suitable for such case is the promotion of self-care. The patients should be encouraged to participate in their recovery process and this can PICOT STATEMENT 3 be a suitable take in the case where the clinical care givers are less. The nurses available to serve the patients should let them know that the providers can only help them do things that they cannot do for themselves so that they can be available for the ones who are helpless and need their entire attention and care. The intervention will take the shortest time possible to be implemented because it involves the patients. The implementation of this intervention can lead to positive patient outcome since the involvement of the patients can enable them to be active and improve their recovery. Additionally, the patients can get encouraged by the fact that they are able to perform some activities that can aid in their recovery thus their desire to be discharged (Kleber,2016). Patient care The result of patient care is the improvement of patient outcome. It has therefore become a priority for all the clinical facilities to enhance high quality patient care so as to enhance the satisfaction of patients and avoid over population in the facilities as much as possible. The congestion in the clinical facilities results to poor outcome and this is the driving force towards the improvement in patient care in the clinical facilities thus the positive patient outcome. The public is the main body that advocates for the improvement in patient care, implementation of healthcare regulations in the clinical facilities, and the improvement in the number of medical malpractices. In attempt to improve the patient care in the clinical facilities, the personnel have to be trained to attain quality service delivery and adoption of operational system that will enhance the efficiency in clinical service delivery. The over-crowding of patients in clinical facilities could have been as a result of manual entry of data and the implementation of operational system will PICOT STATEMENT 4 improve the situation and fasten the service delivery thus achievement of desired patient satisfaction levels (Kleber, 2016). The medical and non-medical aspects of health-care improvement have to be improved and implemented in order to attain the desired results in terms of boosting patient satisfaction. Some of the issues that have to be addressed in trying to improve the patient care include: • Waiting- waiting time for services should be as short as possible. The service providers should always commit to serving the patients and not for personal interests. The practitioners can be a great tool for improvement in the patient outcome if they devote their time to serving the patients in a timely manner so as to reduce the crowds that are waiting for healthcare services. • Access- the patients that need to be served in the clinical facilities must be sure to access medical personnel and the medical services at all times that they need to be attended to. • Administration- the patient attendance systems should be those that the patients care happy with. The check-in and check-out procedures should be embraced and received positively by the patients. • Communication- free interaction with patients and family can help in reducing the hardship in case of delays. The practitioners have to communicate to the patients and their families and prepare them that they could take longer than expected and the reasons behind the delays must be given. • Information- the patient must be made aware of the medical procedures that they are expected to undergo so as to prepare them psychologically and improve the patient outcome PICOT STATEMENT • 5 Training personnel- trained medical practitioners can enhance the patient outcome in large margins because the facilities can easily gain the trust and confidence of the patients because of the quality and timely service delivery. • Equipment- these can also improve the patient outcome in clinics because the necessary equipment to treat any condition is available and services can also be delivered faster. • Use of newer technologies- the world today is turning digital and the medical facilities have to incorporate the new technologies in their facilities to improve the patient outcome. Nursing practice The nursing practice is state provision that the patients that need the medical care are attended to. The rule protects patients from unsafe and unprofessional nursing practices. PICOT STATEMENT 6 References kleber,K.(Sep 30, 2016) 7 nursing interventions you will use in EVERY shift. 2nd edition. Available at Nguyen, D.A. & Nguyen, A. V. T (2015) Learning from medical errors: clinical problems, issue 576. 2nd edition. Radcliffe publishing
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PICOT Question
The paper describes a PICOT format for the essay and develops a PICOT question from the

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PICOT Question

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