Writing Question

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Florida Institute of Technology-Melbourne


Assignment description.

Profile of a Company/Org of Interest

In the Introduction Section of your paper: Identify the company/organization by Name and type (e.g., Multi-National Corp., Private small-business, Non-Profit Organization). State where the company/organization headquarters is physically located and where they have current operations (U.S., and/or Overseas). State total number of employees, total revenue earned for most recent year published, and identify the current serving C.E.O./President. Complete the Introduction Section by citing the source(s) for your information in this paper.

In the Body/Narrative section of your paper: In your own words, summarize the current status/operations of the company/organization and compare it to other businesses/organizations in this same sector. Highlight and focus upon at least one area of interest to you and others about the company/organization. Be sure to enter citations for all directly quoted information, and where you refer/paraphrase what others are saying about this company.

In the Summary/Conclusion section of your paper. Your overall assessment of the current effectiveness of the company/organization. State your opinion if the management approach of this company would be successful in different business/organizations and sectors. State if you would or would not consider working for this company/organization.

References: At the end of your paper include the complete bibliographic citation for all sources you have cited in your paper.



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WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS GRADING CHECKLIST Date: ___________________ Student Name: _______________________________ Student Number: _________________ Course Name: ________________________________ Course Number: __________________ 1. Contents and Analyses (10 points): Required content is included in narrative? ___________________________________ An analysis of the problem(s) of opportunities is included in narrative: _____________ 2. Form and Style: (10 points): Paper includes a cover sheet (Your Name, Course Nr/Title, Paper Title) Sources cited if used:_____ Paper includes an Introduction, Narrative (Body), and Conclusion: Maximum 4 pages: ________ 3. Originality (10 points) Your Work and Attribution of Sources (Only If citations used): ______ 4. Correct Spelling and Grammar: 10 points. (No more than two errors per page): ________ Total points for each writing assignment: 40 Please complete your writing assignment as a Word document, double spaced, max of 4 pages. Submit on/before the due date per the syllabus and upload as a file to the (Canvas) course site. Instructor/Evaluator: Dr. John Barranti Course: __________________ Term: _________
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Space X Profile

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Space X Profile
Elon Musk established SpaceX in 2002 as an Enterprise designed to manufacture
spaceships for commercial use and provide space transportation services (Veech,
2019). SpaceX is a multinational company that mainly runs in America and holds its head
office in Hawthorne, California. SpaceX was founded in 2002 by Elon Musk, and since
its foundation, it has done a remarkable job of taking space exploration and transportation
to the next level. Elon Musk's leadership has been very innovative, driving the company
to become the trendsetter in the aerospace industry. As the 2019 SpaceX financial data
reveals, the company employs more than 8,000 people with a total income in the last
financial year of over $2 billion; the company has a positive bottom line. SpaceX, a
company established by Elon Musk, evinces both engineering potency and a determined
initiative to create advanced technology and projected economics for the kind of space
adventure we have never considered (Sheetz, 2023). This paper will analyze how SpaceX
has managed and applied its management approaches to its current operations and,
consequently, the company's creation of a new space-bound industry.
Space X Innovation in the Aerospace Industry
SpaceX in the space industry is noteworthy because it applies a fresh perspective
to space travel and exploration. Launching a space travel company to design and
implement reusable...

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