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Feedback for Submit Your Project Here - COM-20042-XC028 Civic Issues 24DA03 - Southern New Hampshire University 3/12/24, 2:24 PM COM-20042 Project Rubric Activity: Submit Your Project Here Course: COM-20042-XC028 Civic Issues 24DA03 Name: Kayla Exorphe Rubric Criteria Mastered Not Yet Not Evident Criterion Score Complex Issue: Describes a complex issue that is of importance to impacted community supported by sociopolitical and historical context 10 points 5 points 0 points 10 / 10 Describes a complex issue that is of importance to impacted community supported by sociopolitical and historical context Shows progress toward expectations, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include examining the historical events and sociopolitical factors that contribute to the complexity of the issue Does not attempt to describe a complex issue Annotated Bibliography: Describes relevant and credible resources representing a variety of perspectives, and how those resources support your explanation of this complex issue 10 points 5 points 0 points Describes relevant and credible resources representing a variety of perspectives, and how those resources support your explanation of this complex issue Shows progress toward expectations, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying key points, arguments, or evidence from the resources Does not attempt to describe any relevant and credible resources Your Position and Course of Action: Explains your position on the issue and course of action or actions aligned with that position and supported by evidence 10 points 5 points 0 points Explains your position on the issue and course of action or actions aligned with that position and supported by evidence Shows progress toward expectations, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include supporting your explanation with credible evidence Does not attempt to explain your position on the issue and course of action Audience Analysis: Assesses how narrative of main points and visuals will address needs of norms of the public venue in which you are presenting to primary and broader multicultural audiences, and will avoid issues with language or bias 10 points 5 points 0 points Assesses how narrative of main points and visuals will address needs of norms of the public venue in which you are presenting to primary and broader multicultural audiences, and will avoid issues with language or bias Shows progress toward expectations, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include explaining how you will adapt your narrative to create a connection with the audience Does not attempt to assess how narrative of main points and visuals will address needs of norms of the public venue Presentation of Issue: Provides brief description of the sociopolitical context to situate your issue and provide context for your audience 10 points 5 points 0 points Provides brief description of the sociopolitical context to situate your issue and provide context for your audience Shows progress toward expectations, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include considering the influence of any relevant political decisions, policy changes, or Does not attempt to provide brief description of the sociopolitical context of the issue https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/lms/dropbox/user/folder_user_view_feedback.d2l?ou=1522083&db=2826857&grpid=0 10 / 10 10 / 10 10 / 10 10 / 10 Page 1 of 4 Feedback for Submit Your Project Here - COM-20042-XC028 Civic Issues 24DA03 - Southern New Hampshire University 3/12/24, 2:24 PM social movements Recommendation—Main Idea: Articulates your main idea and why it is important, using relevant and credible sources 10 points 5 points 0 points Articulates your main idea and why it is important, using relevant and credible sources Shows progress toward expectations, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include incorporating relevant and credible sources Does not attempt to articulate your main idea Recommendation—Call to Action: Describes a course of action or actions aligned with main idea that includes potential benefits and drawbacks and is supported using relevant and credible resources 10 points 5 points 0 points Describes a course of action or actions aligned with main idea that includes potential benefits and drawbacks and is supported using relevant and credible resources Shows progress toward expectations, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include explaining the positive outcomes or advantages that can be achieved by implementing the proposed course of action Does not attempt to describe a course of action or actions aligned with main idea 10 points 5 points 0 points Creates a narrative that aligns to the norms of the public venue and addresses cultural needs and expectations Shows progress toward expectations, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include adhering to the established norms and conventions of the public venue Does not attempt to create a narrative that aligns to the norms of the public venue and addresses cultural needs and expectations Communication of Explanation: Creates a narrative that aligns to the norms of the public venue and addresses cultural needs and expectations 10 / 10 10 / 10 0 / 10 Criterion Feedback 03/12/24 This slide is not included in your current submission. It needs to focus on your communication strategy for your presentation. Please review the guiding questions 03/05/24. 03/05/24 This rubric item is missing from your slideshow. Think of this rubric item as an 'addendum' to your presentation, which is not intended for your audience. Please include an additional slide that evaluates your communication strategies and plans for your presentation. What are the norms (rules) of the public venue where you will present your information? How do the norms presented align to the audience/public venue in whic presenting? For example, if presenting in a conference room then there may be a requirement that the event maintain the highest levels of professional conduct in speech, which is completely different from presenting at a community center or local space. How has your presentation addressed the cultural needs and expectations of the group (i.e. some audience members may speak different languages and have diff backgrounds and cultural beliefs)? The goal of your presentation is to help your audience support and champion your topic. How is this achieved when the audien different cultural views from your own? By using speaker's notes and/or other visuals, how will you ensure these communication methods support the needs of yo In the Unit Resources: Communication Methods and Strategies the reading: "Writing Commons, Use Language That Is Sensitive to Your Audience" discuss importance of using language that is appropriate to your target audience. It provides examples that will help you revise language within your writing and presenta audiences that is respectful and inclusive. https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/lms/dropbox/user/folder_user_view_feedback.d2l?ou=1522083&db=2826857&grpid=0 Page 2 of 4 Feedback for Submit Your Project Here - COM-20042-XC028 Civic Issues 24DA03 - Southern New Hampshire University Appropriate Practices: Uses conventions and practices appropriate to persuasive argument, suitable for a variety of cultural backgrounds, and free of biased language 3/12/24, 2:24 PM 10 points 5 points 0 points Uses conventions and practices appropriate to persuasive argument, suitable for a variety of cultural backgrounds, and free of biased language Shows progress toward expectations, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include employ persuasive techniques that are responsive to cultural differences Does not use any conventions and practices appropriate to persuasive argument 0 / 10 Criterion Feedback 03/12/24 This slide is not included in your current submission. It needs to focus on your communication strategy for your presentation. Please review the guiding questions 03/05/24. 03/05/24 Please add a slide which discusses how you will use conventions that are appropriate to persuasive argument. They should be clear, logical and suitable for a vari backgrounds. They should eliminate figurative language such as metaphors, idioms, similes, etc. and enhance the accessibility of their information with alternativ transcripts that identify verbal or visual content. They should avoid communicating bias, either intended or unintended. This is a very useful resource for this rubric item: How can you avoid cognitive biases in your presentations? Powered by AI and the LinkedIn community How to Avoid Cognitive Biases in Presentations (linkedin.com) https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/lms/dropbox/user/folder_user_view_feedback.d2l?ou=1522083&db=2826857&grpid=0 Page 3 of 4 3/8/24, 8:43 AM   Listen   Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Communicate a posi!on related to a complex issue in a civic context Scenario Training opportuni!es in the workplace (professional development) have become a sound investment for employers. In addi!on to reducing recrui!ng and reten!on costs, professional development has been demonstrated to boost produc!vity and job sa!sfac!on. For employees, it also offers new opportuni!es for enhancing their skills and offers addi!onal opportuni!es for posi!oning themselves for new opportuni!es within the organiza!on outside of regular promo!ons. For the past seven years, your company has sponsored a professional enrichment program (PEP). Each year a small group or cohort of six to eight employees is chosen to par!cipate in special professional enrichment ac!vi!es in both group and individual formats. The par!cipants are paired with mentors from leaders across the company. Employees each submit a le#er and career plan that serve as their “applica!on” to the program. https://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1522083-COM-20042-XC028…C-CFA.24DA03/Project%20Overview.html?ou=1522083&d2l_body_type=3 Page 1 of 7 3/8/24, 8:43 AM Update: You have just passed the mid-year mark of a professional enrichment program you were selected to par!cipate in, and you are eager and ready to face new challenges directly. Your leadership has just announced they want to introduce a new aspect to the program. They will pilot this aspect with your group this year. The intent of this aspect is not just to grow you professionally within the organiza!on but in broader se$ngs as a member of larger communi!es. You have been requested to iden!fy an issue that impacts the quality of life within a community of your choice and create a proposal to present in a civic se$ng to your audience. You strategize with your mentor and agree that once you select an issue, you will put together a proposal and presenta!on plan and dra% presenta!on. This provides you with the opportunity to receive feedback from your mentor prior to presen!ng to your audience (the individuals or group who would have a vested interest in this issue). https://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1522083-COM-20042-XC028…C-CFA.24DA03/Project%20Overview.html?ou=1522083&d2l_body_type=3 Page 2 of 7 3/8/24, 8:43 AM Direc!ons Part 1: Proposal and Presenta!on Plan (approximately 1,000 words) You will dra% your proposal and your plan for communica!ng it prior to beginning to create the presenta!on itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narra!ve for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the loca!on and format) to ensure that your presenta!on is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback. 1. Complex Issue: Select a complex issue from the provided list. Describe the “who” and “what” behind the issue you have selected so that your mentor can provide you feedback on the appropriateness of how you’ve situated the problem and your proposal for addressing it for your audience: https://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1522083-COM-20042-XC028…C-CFA.24DA03/Project%20Overview.html?ou=1522083&d2l_body_type=3 Page 3 of 7 3/8/24, 8:43 AM Issue explana!on Sociopoli!cal and historical context of the issue Importance to the stakeholders in impacted community 2. Annotated Bibliography: Remember, your mentor has been very clear that an appeal to your audience’s passions is not sufficient in addressing your complex issue. Provide research and evidence that supports your explana!on of the complex issue and your recommenda!ons around this issue: Use relevant and credible sources that represent a variety of perspec!ves Explain how sources inform poten!al and logical next steps based on resources 3. Your Posi!on and Course of Ac!on: Next, address the “why” behind the issue in your proposal ensuring you: Explain your posi!on on this issue Describe a logical course of ac!on or ac!ons aligned with your proposal and supported by evidence 4. Audience Analysis: Lastly, look carefully at the “who” again and “where.” Poten!ally there will be individuals in your audience from diverse cultures aside from your primary audience. Discuss the following and how you will ensure your visuals and verbal or text narra!ve will address: Norms for the public venue and civic context in which you are presen!ng Communica!on strategies appropriate in addressing your primary audience Communica!on strategies appropriate in addressing mul!cultural audiences that differ from your primary audience (for example, are there linguis!c preferences or nonverbal signs that would be preferable or not preferable?) Part 2: Proposal Presenta!on (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript) Now that you’ve completed your plan and have a concrete approach around your idea, you feel even more confident about communica!ng your posi!on! You have many choices for presen!ng yourself (slide deck with speaker notes or video with transcript). You know your choice will be the “how” behind communica!ng your posi!on. Your choice of vehicle (slide deck or video) and the informa!on you include in the speaker notes or transcript must address all of the following: https://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1522083-COM-20042-XC028…C-CFA.24DA03/Project%20Overview.html?ou=1522083&d2l_body_type=3 Page 4 of 7 3/8/24, 8:43 AM Presenta!on of Issue: Set the stage for your audience: Situate your issue by clearly iden!fying it Briefly describe the sociopoli!cal context (local, regional, na!onal, or global) Recommenda!on: Ensure you concisely and clearly cover: Main Idea Ar!culate your main idea Discuss why it is important Use relevant and credible sources Call to Ac!on Describe a logical course of ac!on or ac!ons aligned with main idea Include poten!al benefits and drawbacks Communica!on of Explana!on: Ensure you are using your speaker notes or video narra!on/transcript to ensure your narra!ve: Aligns to the norms of the public venue in which you are presen!ng Addresses cultural needs and expecta!ons of the group Appropriate Prac!ces: Use conven!ons that are: Appropriate to persuasive argument Clear and logical Suitable for a variety of cultural backgrounds Eliminate figura!ve language such as metaphors, idioms, similes, etc. Enhance the accessibility of your informa!on with alterna!ve text or transcripts that iden!fy verbal or visual content Necessary to avoid communica!ng bias, either intended or unintended Ar!cula!on of Response: Clearly convey meaning, demonstra!ng an understanding of audience and purpose: Correct grammar Avoid slang and jargon Sentence structure Spelling https://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1522083-COM-20042-XC028…C-CFA.24DA03/Project%20Overview.html?ou=1522083&d2l_body_type=3 Page 5 of 7 3/8/24, 8:43 AM What to Submit Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submi#ed before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following: 1. Proposal and Presenta!on Plan (approximately 1,000 words) Dra% your proposal and your plan for communica!ng it prior to beginning to create the presenta!on itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narra!ve for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the loca!on and format) to ensure that your presenta!on is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback. 2. Proposal Presenta!on (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript) Choose a vehicle (slide deck or video) and include informa!on in the speaker notes or transcript. Your choice will be the “how” behind communica!ng your posi!on. https://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1522083-COM-20042-XC028…C-CFA.24DA03/Project%20Overview.html?ou=1522083&d2l_body_type=3 Page 6 of 7 3/8/24, 8:43 AM Suppor!ng Materials The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project: Cita!on Help Need help ci!ng your sources? Use the CfA Cita!on Guide and Cita!on Maker. Reading: Selec!ng Your Complex Challenge This document provides a list of required topics and research ques!ons from which to choose for this project. Reading: 21st Century Communica!on: A Reference Handbook, Chapter 22: Public Speaking This reference handbook on communica!on can provide a refresher for communica!on concepts essen!al to your proposal. In par!cular, Chapter 22 on Public Speaking can support your work on this project. Website: Opposing Viewpoints in Context Database This database provides sources for informa!on on various social issues that may likely be an aspect of the complex challenge you are researching. Note: Some users are repor!ng that an error message appears when a#emp!ng to access Opposing Viewpoints. If you see an error message, please try using Internet Explorer and clearing your browser's cookies/cache. Website: CultureGrams This resource can provide you with the opportunity to immerse yourself in various cultures of the community/communi!es around which you focus your proposal. Understanding more about the culture of your audience will help you cra% a more effec!ve and appropriate message. Website: Sta!sta: The Sta!s!cs Portal This database can help you secure quan!ta!ve data specific to your complex challenge. Reading: SNHU Wri!ng Guide Review the tutorials and resources in the Wri!ng Guide document if you need help with the wri!ng aspects of this project. https://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1522083-COM-20042-XC028…C-CFA.24DA03/Project%20Overview.html?ou=1522083&d2l_body_type=3 Page 7 of 7 Managing Workplace Stress- Civic Issue NAME SNHU COM-20042-XC028 PROFESSOR MARCH 9, 2023 Issue: Management of Stress at Workplace Socioeconomic Status Stress Strategies Social Inequality Role Socio-political and Historical Context Annotated Bibliography  Study by Algren et al. (2018) o Study Focus: Examining Perceived Stress, Socioeconomic Status, and Health-Risk Behavior in Impoverished Danish Neighborhoods. o Author Affiliations: Authors associated with reputable institutions: University of Southern Denmark, National Institute of Public Health. o Research Gap: Investigates how perceived stress affects health-risk behavior in disadvantaged communities to fill a research need. o Methodology: Perceived Stress Scale and Logistic Regression Analysis on 5113 Disadvantaged Neighborhood Residents vs. a Nationally Representative Survey Group. o Key Findings: Disadvantaged Communities Have Higher Stress and Health-Endangering Behaviors.. Annotated Bibliography  Study by Tong et al. (2021) o Study Focus: Examining Hong Kong Employed People's SES, Mental Health, and Workplace Variables. o Author Expertise: Authors affiliated with The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Psychology Department, a leading mental health research institution. o Research Aim: Providing a Comprehensive Understanding of the Intersection between Mental Health and Work-Related Stress Patterns. o Methodology: Used Latent Class Analysis on Representative Population Sample Survey Data to Identify Three Socioeconomic Classes with Significant SES Disparities. o Key Findings: Showed Economic Disparities in Mental Health, with Lowest Income Group Having Worst Results. Job pressure, control, effort-reward imbalance, and SES-related relational fairness were also discussed. Rigorous Approach and Referenced Sources Enhance Study Credibility. The “Why” Behind Managing Workplace Stress Lower Rates of Opportunity Added stress Negative Health effects Community Stakeholders  Community stakeholders  Access to resources  Increase in community togetherness Value in a Joined Community Position and Action Lower Social economic Status Challenges Strategies Health Risks and Factors Rating Stress in the Workplace Low salary Limited growth opportunities Heavy work Long Hours Unrealistic Addressing the Challenges  Training  Increase awareness  Provide outlets for coping  Develop career ladders Strategies for Employers to Help Manage Employee’s Stress Why These Strategies are Effective and beneficial Implementation of Wellness Programs  Offer mindfulness practices, stress management training, and access to professional help.  Ensure inclusivity in mental health support services for all employees.  Develop strategies to promote a healthy work-life balance for improved well-being.  Foster an environment that recognizes and addresses the influence of socioeconomic factors on stress levels(Roozeboom et al., 2020). Conclusion  Workplace stress impacts individuals across diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.  Tackling this issue is vital for well-being, productivity, and a fair work environment.  Proactive steps are essential to reduce workplace stress and promote the welfare of all employees.  Together, we can create a healthier, more inclusive work environment for everyone. References  Algren, M. H., Ekholm, O., Nielsen, L., Ersbøll, A. K., Bak, C. K., & Andersen, P. T. (2018). Associations between perceived stress, socioeconomic status, and health-risk behaviour in deprived neighbourhoods in Denmark: a crosssectional study. BMC Public Health, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5170-x  Bui, T., Zackula, R., Dugan, K., & Ablah, E. (2021). Workplace Stress and Productivity: A Cross-Sectional Study. Kansas Journal of Medicine, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.17161/kjm.vol1413424  Roozeboom, M. C., Schelvis, R. M. C., Houtman, I. L. D., Wiezer, N. M., & Bongers, P. M. (2020). Decreasing employees’ work stress by a participatory, organizational level work stress prevention approach: a multiple-case study in primary education. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-08698-2  Tong, A. C. Y., Tsoi, E. W. S., & Mak, W. W. S. (2021). Socioeconomic Status, Mental Health, and Workplace Determinants among Working Adults in Hong Kong: A Latent Class Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 7894. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18157894  Xie, Y., Tian, J., Jiao, Y., Liu, Y., Yu, H., & Shi, L. (2021). The Impact of Work Stress on Job Satisfaction and Sleep Quality for Couriers in China: The Role of Psychological Capital. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.730147 1 Managing Workplace Stress- Civic Issue Name SNHU COM-20042-XC028 Professor March 9, 2023 2 Audience Analysis My audience will be people who attend a session on employment training. Topics pertaining to employment and training are discussed in this session. I will be one of the guest speakers, speaking to the participants who have opted to participate in the presentation during the allotted time windows.. After I complete my fifteen-minute talk, I may answer any extra questions and concerns at a booth that is going to be set up throughout the event. While a few companies have indicated interest and will be there the entire time, guests are free to come and go as they like. Complex Issue Workplace stress is becoming the norm in today's environment. People from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds experience stress, with some experiencing it more than others. Employees that are affected by this could pick up bad habits that have an influence on their attendance, productivity, and overall health. decreasing income under specific circumstances and decreasing the job's desirability. Identify the early indicators of these pressures and take the necessary measures. Stress can result when an employee's workload starts to exceed their capabilities. When a team's predetermined aim is unachievable due to limitations, this can also lead to tension inside the organization. Businesses need to take socioeconomic levels into account while implementing strategies. Annotated Bibliography Tong, Alan CY, Emily WS Tsoi, and Winnie WS Mak. "Socioeconomic status, mental health, and workplace determinants among working adults in Hong Kong: a latent class analysis." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18.15 (2021): 7894. Study Focus: Examining Hong Kong Employed People's SES, Mental Health, and Workplace Variables. 3 Author Expertise: Authors affiliated with The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Psychology Department, a leading mental health research institution. Research Aim: Providing a Comprehensive Understanding of the Intersection between Mental Health and Work-Related Stress Patterns. Methodology: Used Latent Class Analysis on Representative Population Sample Survey Data to Identify Three Socioeconomic Classes with Significant SES Disparities. Key Findings: Showed Economic Disparities in Mental Health, with Lowest Income Group Having Worst Results. Job pressure, control, effort-reward imbalance, and SES-related relational fairness were also discussed. Rigorous Approach and Referenced Sources Enhance Study Credibility. Summary: The 2021 study conducted by Tong et al. in Hong Kong also offers valuable insights into the interplay between socioeconomic status, mental health, and employment characteristics. The study reveals a significant discrepancy in mental well-being, as persons in the lowest income category demonstrate the most inadequate mental health. This discovery emphasizes the significant influence of socioeconomic circumstances on an individual's mental well-being, emphasizing the necessity of addressing these disparities in mental health assistance. Moreover, the study emphasizes that these socioeconomic characteristics have a substantial impact on the levels of stress experienced in the job. This underscores the importance of implementing focused strategies that take into consideration the varied socioeconomic backgrounds of employees in order to successfully address workplace stress through treatments. The research conducted by Tong et al. (2021) is a useful source of information for comprehending the complex connection between socioeconomic position, mental health, and occupational stress. It offers crucial data that can be used to develop successful strategies for addressing this complicated problem. 4 Algren, M. H., Ekholm, O., Nielsen, L., Ersbøll, A. K., Bak, C. K., & Andersen, P. T. (2018). Associations between perceived stress, socioeconomic status, and health-risk behaviour in deprived neighbourhoods in Denmark: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5170-x Study Focus: Examining Perceived Stress, Socioeconomic Status, and Health-Risk Behavior in Impoverished Danish Neighborhoods. Author Affiliations: Authors associated with reputable institutions: University of Southern Denmark, National Institute of Public Health. Research Gap: Investigates how perceived stress affects health-risk behavior in disadvantaged communities to fill a research need. Methodology: Perceived Stress Scale and Logistic Regression Analysis on 5113 Disadvantaged Neighborhood Residents vs. a Nationally Representative Survey Group. Key Findings: Disadvantaged Communities Have Higher Stress and Health-Endangering Behaviors. Summary: The 2018 study conducted by Algren et al. offers useful insights into how socioeconomic factors affect occupational stress. The research sheds light on a strong correlation between the difficulties experienced by underprivileged communities in Denmark and increased levels of stress among the people living in these areas. This correlation highlights the substantial impact of external factors on an individual's stress levels. Moreover, the study elucidates the complex correlation between stress and behaviors related to health, underscoring that individuals' circumstances can influence their strategies for dealing with and controlling stress (Algren et al., 2018). This research provides a fundamental knowledge of the intricate relationship between socioeconomic determinants and workplace stress, highlighting the necessity for focused interventions to effectively tackle these difficulties. 5 Sociopolitical and Historical Context Examples that come to mind when thinking about sociopolitical concerns and job stress include unemployment, undereducation, gender discrimination, and subpar housing. These attributes define and often influence the broader population. Job stress is influenced by changing workplace norms and political legislation. Stakeholder Impact The productivity of the company's workforce determines its success. allowing companies to have a direct stake in workplace stress. The accomplishment of the company's goals, which are typically correlated with worker performance, is essential to its existence. The best work is typically produced by top-performing staff members. Companies that have stressed employees and a stressful work environment usually don't achieve their goals. Companies need to make sure that their employees are not under stress in order for them to accomplish corporate goals and perform well. Furthermore, workplace stress management continues to be of importance to the government. This relationship looks at the workers' living and working environments.. Governments are realizing more and more that the rise in illnesses linked to working people' lifestyles is causing a loss in economic production. To establish a more balanced workplace, governments might counsel employers to implement a work-life balance strategy in their human resource management. Position and Course of Action Even while there are a lot of excellent workplace stress management methods available today, most of them are insufficient. Government policies that promote workers and establish suitable work conditions appeared to be the norm. Focusing on positive strategies that help increase employee output and reduce stress at work. Stress management at work must be done in a structured way. Companies must to take a proactive role in developing a 6 framework for stress management at work. Additionally, staff members may begin to feel stressed out at work if they discover adverse conditions. Addressing stress-inducing factors and improving productivity-boosting ones is a more effective and efficient way to manage workplace stress.
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Explanation & Answer


Managing Workplace
Stress- Civic Issue

MARCH 9, 2023

Issue: Management of Stress at

mic Status



Social Inequality Role

Socio-political and Historical Context

Annotated Bibliography

Study by Algren et al. (2018)

Study Focus: Examining Perceived Stress, Socioeconomic Status, and Health-Risk
Behavior in Impoverished Danish Neighborhoods.


Author Affiliations: Authors associated with reputable institutions: University of Southern
Denmark, National Institute of Public Health.


Research Gap: Investigates how perceived stress affects health-risk behavior in
disadvantaged communities to fill a research need.


Methodology: Perceived Stress Scale and Logistic Regression Analysis on 5113
Disadvantaged Neighborhood Residents vs. a Nationally Representative Survey Group.


Key Findings: Disadvantaged Communities Have Higher Stress and Health-Endangering

Annotated Bibliography

Study by Tong et al. (2021)

Study Focus: Examining Hong Kong Employed People's SES, Mental Health, and Workplace Variables.


Author Expertise: Authors affiliated with The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Psychology
Department, a leading mental health research institution.


Research Aim: Providing a Comprehensive Understanding of the Intersection between Mental Health
and Work-Related...

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