Strep Throat

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Health Medical

Concorde Career College


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(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2024) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2024) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2024) (Strep Throat, 2023) (Strep Throat, 2023) (Tonsillitis (Strep Throat), 2023) (Tonsillitis (Strep Throat), 2023) (Tonsillitis (Strep Throat), 2023) References: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024, January 19). Is your sore throat strep? Center for Disease Control and Prevention.,Bacteria%20cause%20strep%20throat,Streptococcus%20(group%20A%20strep) Strep throat. (2023, November 1). Johns Hopkins Medicine. Tonsillitis (strep throat). (2023, January). American Family Physician.,are%20unlikely%20even%20without%20antibiotics.
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Strep Throat Peer Response

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March 18, 2024

Strep Throat Peer Response
Hello Latresa, your presentation on strep throat is quite comprehensive and
informative. You've effectively outlined the various factors contributing to the etiology of
strep throat, including bacterial infection, virulence factors, host factors, environmental
factors, and seasonal variation. Your explana...

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