700 word opinion editorial "Poverty and homelessness and common good"

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Justice Change in a Global World

Australian Catholic University


write a 700 word opinion editorial that critically analyses the challenges with realising aspirations of the common good (catholic social teaching CST) in your professional community, locally and globally.

There are couple of topics but I selected

  • Poverty and homelessness

General Instructions:

  • Create an evocative and engaging Op-Ed that explains a challenge associated with realising aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locally and globally.
  • The Op-Ed should clearly explain to readers what the issue chosen from the list is and how your understanding of the knowledge you have acquired in the unit addresses the issue or problem and relate to the discipline area you are studying in.
  • Please note that you do not have to come up with the ‘definitive solution’ for the Op Ed, this may form part of Assessment 3. Your tutor is looking for a well-argued view in order to move forward on the issue or problem.
  • The Op-Ed is to be no more than 700 words long. The idea is to express your thoughts clearly and concisely and make your argument as directly as you can – just like a journalist or writer. Do not assume that this assignment is easy given the word length. The challenge is to present a persuasive argument in a concise manner!
  • Although Op-Eds do not usually require referencing, for this academic work, full referencing is required. At least 5 Academic References. References do not count in the word limit. Harvard referencing.

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UNCC300 Assignment 2 Extended Description Your assessment is to: Choose one of the issues listed below and write a 700 word opinion editorial that critically analyses the challenges with realising aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locally and globally. • Patient access to prohibitively expensive treatments • Patient confidentiality (breaches) • Discrimination in the workplace • Discrimination in education (access and equity) • Fraud (financial/business contexts) • Abuse of privacy (social media, IT organisations) • The “Digital Divide” • Asylum seekers (and detention/incarceration) • Poverty and homelessness • Slavery (and human trafficking) You should read the article on LEO that explains how to write an Op-Ed piece, and the examples provided before commencing this assessed task. General Instructions: • • • • • • Create an evocative and engaging Op-Ed that explains a challenge associated with realising aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locally and globally. The Op-Ed should clearly explain to readers what the issue chosen from the list is and how your understanding of the knowledge you have acquired in the unit addresses the issue or problem and relate to the discipline area you are studying in. Please note that you do not have to come up with the ‘definitive solution’ for the Op Ed, this may form part of Assessment 3. Your tutor is looking for a well-argued view in order to move forward on the issue or problem. The Op-Ed is to be no more than 700 words long. The idea is to express your thoughts clearly and concisely and make your argument as directly as you can – just like a journalist or writer. Do not assume that this assignment is easy given the word length. The challenge is to present a persuasive argument in a concise manner! Although Op-Eds do not usually require referencing, for this academic work, full referencing is required. References do not count in the word limit. See referencing guidelines on the UNCC300 LEO page (You can find it under Assessment > How do I reference course materials for UNCC units?). This assessment will be worth 30 marks. UNCC300 Assessment Task 2 - Op Ed HD Di | Cr Pa NN 85-100 75-84 65-74 50-64 0-49 Critical Analysis (26 marks) Provides a highly distinctive Provides a distinctive Provides a creditable Provides a satisfactory Fails to provide a critical analysis of the chosen critical analysis of the critical analysis of the critical analysis of the satisfactory critical issue and the challenges with chosen issue and the chosen issue and the chosen issue and the analysis of the chosen realising aspirations of the challenges with realising challenges with realising challenges with realising issue and the challenges common good in their aspirations of the common aspirations of the common aspirations of the with realising aspirations professional community good in their professional good in their professional common good in their of the common good in locally and globally. community, locally and community, locally and professional community, their professional globally. globally. locally and globally. community, locally and globally. HD DI CR PA NN Style and Writing Mechanics (2 marks) Presents information in a very clear, coherent and highly engaging style. Presents information in a very clear, coherent engaging style. Presents information in a Presents information Presents information in an clear, coherent engaging in a satisfactory style. unsatisfactory style. style. Some errors in Many errors in grammar Few errors in grammar, grammar, punctuation punctuation and spelling. punctuation and spelling and spelling. No errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling F=0 P=1 C=1.3 D= 1.5 HD=2.0 Few or no errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling Referencing (2 marks) numerous sources not Exemplary citation of all sources of information to support the credibility and authority of the information presented No referencing or cited accurately. F=0 P=1 C=1.3 D= 1.5 HD=2.0 Very good referencing Good referencing Satisfactory throughout; sources cited throughout; sources cited referencing, in accurately and correctly. accurately throughout. general; sources cited accurately, in general Provides accurate and Provides accurate and full information about sufficient information Provides sufficient sources used. about sources used. information about sources used. Does not provide sufficient information about sources used. Assessment 2 Description: Choose one of the issues listed below and write a 700 word opinion editorial that critically analyses the challenges with realising aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locally and globally. • Patient access to prohibitively expensive treatments • Patient confidentiality (breaches) • Discrimination in the workplace • Discrimination in education (access and equity) • Fraud (financial/business contexts) • Abuse of privacy (social media, IT organisations) • The "Digital Divide" • Asylum seekers (and detention/incarceration) • Poverty and homelessness Page 8 of 11 Version: Slavery (and human trafficking) Additional information on how to undertake this assignment is available on the unit in LEO. Assessment > Assignment 2 Extended Description. Due date: 27 April 4am Weighting: 30% Length and/or format: 700 words. Purpose: Building on the concepts and principles introduced in UNCC100 choose a challenge from the list above associated with realizing aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locally and globally. Please note, for the opinion editorial you wrote for UNCC100 you were required to write about a local challenge. For UNCC300, you are required to write about a challenge experienced both locally and globally. Assessment 2 Description: Choose one of the issues listed below and write a 700 word opinion editorial that critically analyses the challenges with realising aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locally and globally. • Patient access to prohibitively expensive treatments • Patient confidentiality (breaches) • Discrimination in the workplace • Discrimination in education (access and equity) • Fraud (financial/business contexts) • Abuse of privacy (social media, IT organisations) • The "Digital Divide" • Asylum seekers (and detention/incarceration) • Poverty and homelessness Page 8 of 11 Version: Slavery (and human trafficking) Additional information on how to undertake this assignment is available on the unit in LEO. Assessment > Assignment 2 Extended Description. Due date: 27 April 4am Weighting: 30% Length and/or format: 700 words. Purpose: Building on the concepts and principles introduced in UNCC100 choose a challenge from the list above associated with realizing aspirations of the common good in your professional community, locally and globally. Please note, for the opinion editorial you wrote for UNCC100 you were required to write about a local challenge. For UNCC300, you are required to write about a challenge experienced both locally and globally. UNCC300 Assessment Task 2 - Op Ed HD Di | Cr Pa NN 85-100 75-84 65-74 50-64 0-49 Critical Analysis (26 marks) Provides a highly distinctive Provides a distinctive Provides a creditable Provides a satisfactory Fails to provide a critical analysis of the chosen critical analysis of the critical analysis of the critical analysis of the satisfactory critical issue and the challenges with chosen issue and the chosen issue and the chosen issue and the analysis of the chosen realising aspirations of the challenges with realising challenges with realising challenges with realising issue and the challenges common good in their aspirations of the common aspirations of the common aspirations of the with realising aspirations professional community, good in their professional good in their professional common good in their of the common good in locally and globally. community, locally and community, locally and professional community, their professional globally. globally. locally and globally. community, locally and globally. HD DI CR PA NN Style and Writing Mechanics (2 marks) Presents information in a very clear, coherent and highly engaging style. Presents information in a very clear, coherent engaging style. Presents information in a Presents information Presents information in an clear, coherent engaging in a satisfactory style. unsatisfactory style. style. Some errors in Many errors in grammar Few errors in grammar, grammar, punctuation punctuation and spelling, punctuation and spelling and spelling. No errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling F=0 P=1 C=1.3 D= 1.5 HD=2.0 Few or no errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling Referencing (2 marks) numerous sources not Exemplary citation of all sources of information to support the credibility and authority of the information presented. No referencing or cited accurately F=0 P=1 C=1.3 D= 1.5 HD=2.0 Very good referencing Good referencing Satisfactory throughout; sources cited throughout; sources cited referencing, in accurately and correctly. accurately throughout. general; sources cited accurately, in general Provides accurate and Provides accurate and full information about sufficient information Provides sufficient sources used. about sources used. information about sources used. Does not provide sufficient information about sources used.
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