Humanities Question

User Generated



Florida Institute of Technology-Melbourne


Create an annotated bibliography of some of the main works you intend to use in your final paper. Please include AT LEAST 3 (three) primary source documents and AT LEAST 5 (FIVE) secondary source documents in your bibliography. Secondary sources may include books, peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, working group papers, and under some circumstances, professional blog posts or informational websites. If you have any questions about whether or not a source is viable for research, please ask me.

An annotated bibliography should include: 1) a full citation of the text with all pertinent information about the author, title, publisher, and place and date of publication, 2) two to three sentences for each entry briefly describing what the source is and how you intend to use it in your paper.

Build off the work you did for the proposal. This will not necessarily be the final list of sources you use for you final paper, but it should demonstrate that you’ve done some research on your chosen topic. My topic is ( Examining the Intersection of Culture and Power in the Hellenistic World: Royal Arts Patronage)

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Explanation & Answer


Annnotated bibliography
Primary Sources
Stewart, A. (2014). Art in the hellenistic world: an introduction. Cambridge University Press.
This textbook by Andrew Stewart provides a comprehensive introduction to Hellenistic
art, examining key monuments in relation to the major political, social, cultural, and
intellectual issues of the period. Organized thematically and covering a wide
geographical range from Italy to India, the book explores topics such as the role of art in
the expression of power, victory, benefaction, and desire. It is richly illustrated with 170
photographs, mostly in color, and includes helpful features such as excerpts from
Hellenistic literature and inscriptions, maps, a glossary, and biographical sketches of key
Miller, S. G. (1989). [Review of Art in the Hellenistic Age, by J. J. Pollitt]. The Art Bulletin,
71(3), 510–515.
In this book review, Stella G. Miller evaluates J.J. Pollitt's comprehensive study of
Hellenistic art, which spans from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE to the
Roman victory at the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE. Miller highlights Pollitt's aim to create
a "cultural portrait" of the period, emphasi...

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