Intro To Logic..Please Assist me with this Problem!!

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Exercise 58 ... (For-Credit of 5 Points) (*)

(1) Symbolize the following argument,
(2) Establish its validity by a proof, and
(3) "Evaluate" the argument as well.

1. All the beings that have wings can fly.
2. All birds have wings.
C. Therefore, all birds can fly.

Exercise 60 ... (For-Credit of 5 Points) (*)

Symbolize & Prove the following argument:

1. All criminals are vicious.
2. Some humans are criminals.
C. Thus some humans are vicious.

3. on alternative symbols for quantifiers

As was in the Assignment [12], you may the following alternatives
for the two quantifiers.

1. Universal Quantifier

(x) ... the same from the textbook

but also you could use this:

(Ax) .. for it as well to make it distinct from the other

2. Existential Quantifier


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Explanation & Answer


Exercise 58

All the beings that have wings can fly. False
All birds have wings. True
Therefore, all birds can fly. False
1. This logic is not truth-preserving because the premises cannot guarantee the truth. The premises
are unsound and the conclusion is invalid.
2. All beings that have wings can’t fly and thought all birds have wings not all birds can fly. Examples of
birds that have wings but can’t fly are the penguins where its wings are used to swim with remarkable
speed in under the water. The ostrich’s wings are used to run. The steamer duck is just too heavy to fly
but they use their wings to thrash and run in the water like the steamboat.
3. This is fallacies of ambiguity where the uncertainty in the structure in the argument is introduced in
the premises...

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