English Question

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Loyola Marymount University


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For this discussion, I want to read your entries explicating and analyzing 2-4 poems out of the wide selection that I curated from the links below and handouts attached as pdf's into the module for week 3. The poetry that I've selected is very diverse, but it's also very inclusive. There are cultural poems, place-based poems, ekphrastic poems, poetry of the canon. Some authors like John Keats or William Blake - London - read by Idris Elba Links to an external site. , (The Romantics) are typically included in all curricula across the land), but I also brought new voices like, for example Bullet Points by Jericho Brown Links to an external site. i love you to the moon Links to an external site. by Chen Chen, and Strawberries by Edwin Morgan . Links to an external site. Here's a link to Joy Harjo, How to Write a Poem in a Time of War . Links to an external site. Here's is a link to the Poetry Foundation, to poems by our 24th US Poet Laureate, Ada Limón Links to an external site. , scroll down and select one whose title catches your attention The attached pages into the module and the links to poems in the assignments for the Poetry Unit make a stunning list, diverse, and inclusive. So I hope you are invited to read these poems with joy and curiosity, as you practice identifying the use of literary devices as a means to make claims of what these poems convey, their possible message, purpose and the use of pathos logos, and ethos from a rhetorical analysis viewpoint. here's a recorded class on Zoom where I lecture an introduction to the rhetorical and literary analysis of poetry: Link to Zoom recording of lecture - Writing about Literature and Intro to Poetry 1/11/22 Links to an external site. I share this merely as a sample guidance, since the lecture belongs to a scheduled class where attendance to meetings were required and students participated actively in class activities. There's value however, on the first portion of the class where I present a slide show about the stages of reading and writing, and refer to some of the texts that you will be reading in this class. I firmly believe that if you connect with a poem, your chances to begin explicating it and analyzing will ensure your success at unpacking its meaning and identifying tropes used by the authors. And that is exactly the main purpose of this course--to write a literary analysis where the main argument or thesis will state what the poem means, and why it exists, why it is worth reading it. Just write!
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Explanation & Answer


Poem Analysis

Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name

Poem Analysis
I love you to the moon & BY CHEN CHEN
In Chen Chen's poem "I love you to the Moon &," the speaker speaks in a light-hearted
manner about dreaming of setting off on a celestial journey involving a gay love on the moon.
The playful language and novel images encourage a limitless imagination. When the speaker
speaks of "mimicking a gear of a gearless machine" as their mode of getting to the moon and
stipulating that they will travel at the speed of "queer zest", it becomes apparent that this
adventure is relatively unconventional and is energy.
When the speaker imagines life on the moon, he draws a shimmering picture of a simpler
time, where he would be sitting in a moon house reading books and growing moon vegetables in
a moon garden. This vision does not only show the speaker's wish to have a calm and lo...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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