Clinical Skills

User Generated


Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Discussion Prompt

This week’s content addresses common techniques and testing that can be prescribed by the Nurse Practitioner. Please Review ONE of the following videos and post for the class what you have learned this week after reviewing.

Watch the following video on suturing or on appropriate ordering of imaging:

Suture Skills Course - Learn Best Suture Techniques


Ordering the most appropriate imaging test- Appropriateness criteria

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Explanation & Answer



Clinical Skills Discussion Prompt

Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number
March 26, 2024

Clinical Skills Discussion Prompt
After reviewing the video "Learn How To Suture - Best Suture Techniques and
Training," there are several key takeaways that have emerged regarding essential suturing
techniques applicable to medical practice. Firstly, as identified in the video, understanding the
basic instrument tie is crucial (Dr. Zenn, 2013). The surgeon's knot demonstrated ensures
secure closure without accidental untying. As stated by Andrew...

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