report homework

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This report is your opportunity to demonstrate what you've learned from the investing challenge. Use our course lexicon in your answers. Write authoritatively and with confidence; convey expertise and demonstrate your mastery of the underlying subject matter.

This is not a 'checklist' of questions, but, is here to give you a sense of the kinds of questions you may want to address in your report:

  • Which positions exceeded your expectations? What conditions caused this?
  • Which positions underperformed for you? What factors created the performance gap?
  • What role did risk play in your decisions, and in the outcome?
  • What are the key things you learned from your Virtual Stock Exchange experience?
  • How will this virtual investing experience influence your personal investing in the future?

you should use my account to answer those question.

when you accept this i will send you my account

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Student/Group: ___________________________________________________________ Written Report Evaluation Criteria The numbers in the top of the boxes are percentage points in a continuum. You can assign 10% points for Purpose/Main Point, as long as you do not give more percentage points than suggested in the leftmost box. The score will range between 0% and 100% when you add up the numbers. Purpose/ main point Audience Organization Evidence Sentence style: flow of writing Correctness: grammar and writing mechanics Document design/ appearance Visuals Excellent 10: This reader thinks that the writer’s purpose is clear. The document has a clear focus. 10: The writer has written for a clearly defined audience, and in this reader’s opinion has addressed that audience expertly. 20: This reader thinks the report has a clear organizational logic. Transitions between ideas are handled well. 20: This reader thinks the writer has made excellent use of research and sources, helping strengthen/build the argument with this material. Good 8: This reader thinks the writer’s purpose is clear for the most part. Fair 5: The writer often loses focus on the main point of the document. 8: The audience for the document is clear. This reader thinks that the writer has done a good job addressing audience. 5: The document’s treatment of audience is somewhat confusing. 15: The report is organized effectively. This reader thinks the document’s organization could be refined/tightened (headings, better transitions, etc.). 15: This reader thinks the writer made good use 10: This reader thinks the document must be organized more effectively, as readers will be confused or misled. of research and sources, citing well. In a few places the document’s main point could have been strengthened with additional evidence. Poor 3: This reader has a difficult time determining why the writer has created this document. 3: This reader thinks that the writer’s treatment of audience appears unprofessional and/or it is not clear who is being addressed 5: This reader finds little coherent structure in this document. No clear rationale is apparent for why the document is set up the way it is. The document is confusing. 10: This reader thinks the document would be substantially strengthened with more/better evidence, and/or the evidence presented is formatted in a sloppy, distracting manner. 5: The document is weak because of a lack of evidence and support, and/or the evidence used is formatted so poorly that it’s difficult to tell what is cited. 10: This reader thinks the clear, concise writing in this document made it enjoyable to read. The writer uses a lot of sentence variety and strong word choices. 10: This reader noticed few errors, if any. The document is clear, and the writer shows considerable mastery of the language. 8: This reader thinks the writing in this document is good, but perhaps the writer could have introduced a little more variety and/or written in a more concise fashion. 5: This reader thinks some of the writing is awkward, and/or the writer relies too heavily on the same kind of sentence structure. 3: This reader thinks much of 8: This reader noticed some grammatical/mechanical errors, but those errors did not interfere with the reader’s understanding of the document’s purpose. 3: This reader noticed many grammatical/mechanical errors. The reader felt the number of errors made the document difficult to understand, and the reader questioned the writer’s professionalism because of these recurrent mistakes. 10: This reader thinks the document uses design elements (white space, titles & sub-titles etc.) expertly to create a professional-looking document. 10: This reader thinks the document uses visuals in an expert way. 8: This reader thinks the document is clean, but the appearance could be improved to aid in the document’s clarity and/or organization. 5: This reader noticed numerous grammatical/ mechanical errors, and those errors interfered at times with the reader’s understanding of the document’s purpose and/or caused the reader to question the skill and expertise of the writer. 5: This reader thinks the document has an amateurish look to it and/or is in need of a more professional appearance 5: The writer has missed opportunities to use visuals and/or has used visuals in a sloppy, ineffective way 3: The writer needs visuals to help clarify the document’s purpose, and/or the visuals are sloppy, inaccurate, or presented in an unethical manner. 8: This reader thinks the writer makes good use of visuals. Perhaps there are additional opportunities for the use of such material. the writing in this document is awkward, repetitive, and/or wordy. The writing was not engaging. 3: This reader thinks the document appears sloppy and unprofessional, and that sloppiness may cause confusion.
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Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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