Peer Response Lathes

User Generated


Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Peer Responses:

My experience at the clinic is ordering a breast examination for suspected lumpectomy.

  • The challenge was ordering a mammogram after the patient had just received one less than a year ago. Even though the results were negative, the patient recently discovered a lump during her routine checks at home. 

During an office visit is a vital component of comprehensive healthcare for patients presenting with breast abnormalities. It was confirmed at the clinic that there was a present lump on the right breast. With this finding I quickly referenced the clinical guidelines. 

Clinical guidelines emphasize the importance of thorough evaluation and timely intervention to ensure accurate diagnosis and appropriate management (Acs Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines, 2023).

Firstly, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive medical history and physical examination, focusing on the patient's presenting symptoms, such as palpable masses, nipple discharge, or breast pain (Acs Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines, 2023). Any relevant risk factors, including family history of breast cancer, previous breast biopsies, or hormonal status, should also be assessed to guide further evaluation (Acs Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines, 2023).

Based on clinical findings, if there is suspicion of a lumpectomy, a breast examination should be promptly ordered. This examination may include imaging studies such as mammography, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to further evaluate the extent and characteristics of the lesion (Acs Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines, 2023). Mammography is typically the initial imaging modality of choice for breast abnormalities in most patients, while ultrasound can provide additional information, especially for younger patients or those with dense breast tissue (Acs Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines, 2023). MRI may be indicated in specific cases, such as high-risk patients or for further characterization of suspicious lesions (Acs Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines, 2023).

Furthermore, consideration should be given to performing additional diagnostic procedures, such as fine-needle aspiration (FNA) or core needle biopsy, to obtain tissue samples for pathological analysis (Acs Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines, 2023). These procedures can help confirm the diagnosis oflumpectomy and provide essential information for treatment planning.

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Peer Response to Lathes.
Hello Lathes!
I concur with your argument in regard to the clinical experience in the examination of
breast cancer based on suspected lumpectomy. From the experience, the main challenge is
ordering the mammogram after one year, despite signi...

Just what I needed. Studypool is a lifesaver!


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