Psychology Question

User Generated



MFT 6105

Northcentral University


This week, using Kaltura, you will create a podcast that will be a primer for therapists working with a variety of sexual challenges or sexual dysfunctions and how these could be approached using a systemic approach (e.g., not looking at the case/problem from an individual perspective).

Be sure your podcast addresses the following:

Some of the possible sexual dysfunctions that you might encounter

How you might approach working with sexual dysfunctions from a systemic lens

  • What tools, techniques, and approaches that you would take if you were working with partners who were experiencing sexual dysfunctions.

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Explanation & Answer



Sexual Dysfunctions Podcast

Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number
March 31, 2024

Sexual Dysfunctions Podcast
Understanding Sexual Dysfunctions
Sexual dysfunctions cover a wide range of problems that may occur and, in fact,
affect the sexual fulfillment and well-being of individuals and couples as well. These
dysfunctions include erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, as well as low sexual
desire and sexual pain disorders such as dyspareunia and vaginismus (Corona, 2022). There
is a complex interplay between psychological, biological, and even physiological factors that
cause each of these dysfunctions. Understanding these dysfunctions necessitates the need to
be aware of how they express themselves as well as how they can affect the individuals' wellbeing and their formed relationships. A therapist can use the knowledge that sexual
dysfunctions are not unidimensional in order to adapt interventions in a way that can address
the needs of their clients. This comprehension serves as the basis for successful treatment
options fostering sexual well-being and relationship contentment.
Approaching Sexual Dysfunctions Systemically
The system-based approach sees sexual dysfunctions as not only the manifestatio...

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