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Northcentral University


Week 1 – Assignment 1: Explore a Researchable Topic

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For this assignment you will describe a current topic in your practice area that is of personal and/or professional interest and relevance. In exploring this topic, you will need to include relevant supporting literature.

This is a three-part assignment that will be submitted as one document.

Part 1:

Conduct a literature review to explain a potential topic of interest (1-3 pages).

Provide a suitable working title that captures the essence of the topic.

Describe the topic you wish to explore for your dissertation-in-practice research. Your description of the topic can be broadly or narrowly defined. The essential requirement is that your description and explanation is sufficiently detailed so that somebody reading this will have a clear understanding of the central message you are attempting to convey.

Explain why the topic is personally and/or professionally relevant to you.

Your topic description must be supported by at least five peer-reviewed articles published within the past five years related to your selected topic. Do not include book chapters, books, editorials, white papers, trade magazine articles, or non-peer-reviewed sources.

Part 2:

Create an annotation for each of the five articles that you located in Part 1. Begin each annotation with an APA formatted reference. Then, annotate the source with a block paragraph. The annotation should be double spaced, 200-250 words.

The following prompts can be used to craft the summary of the annotated sources:

Provide a brief synopsis of the main points made in the article.

What was the problem the researcher(s) addressed?

What was the purpose of this research?

What are the research questions?

What research design and methods were employed in this research?

What were the findings or results of the research?

Conclude with your assessment of the overall quality of the article and the implications for future research.

Part 3:

After completing Parts 1 and 2, reflect on what insights you have developed about your topic. Summarize and discuss key themes that emerge from the articles that you reviewed to illustrate what you have learned (1-2 pages).

To address each component of this assignment, be sure to structure your presentation clearly using appropriate headings and subheadings.

Reminder: If you have not yet done so, be sure to schedule a time to conduct a video chat or phone conversation with your professor sometime within this first week of the course to receive feedback on your research interests and to help refine your ideas into a workable topic. You may want to consider scheduling this call after you receive feedback on your first assignment so that your professor can address any questions you may have.
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Explanation & Answer


Early Identification and Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays and
Thesis statement: Early education is the base for the knowledge-building. Nevertheless, learners
with learning delays come across different hurdles. Against this background, the identification of
culturally relevant screening and assessment tools for early diagnosis of developmental
difficulties becomes a key point (Smythe et al., 2021). Such policies are a form of guarantee that
crisis-affected children will be provided with support that is responsive to their most urgent
needs. Furthermore, one thing that needs to be examined is the relationship between Early
Childhood Professionals, Family Members, and Specialists who work in early interventions for
well-being (Äikäs et al., 2021)
A. Importance of early identification and intervention for children with developmental delays
and disabilities
B. Overview of the literature review and annotated articles
A. Description of the Topic
1. Importance of culturally relevant screening and assessment tools
2. The significance of partnership models between professionals, families, and specialists
3. Effectiveness of participatory educational methods
4. Utilization of family-oriented policies and caregiver engagement

5. Importance of early childhood educators' training and professional development
B. The Relevance of the Topic
1. Personal experiences and core values of an early childhood educator
2. Benefits of early identification practices and intervention approaches
3. Potential impact on policy formation, procedures, and professional development
A. Äikäs et al. (2023)
1. Challenges in early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Finland
2. Approaches to collaboration and support among ECEC professionals
3. Suggestions for improvised collaborative projects
B. Cappa et al. (2021)
1. Issues in measuring early childhood development (ECD) at scale
2. Cognitive testing of the ECDI2030 and its outcomes
3. Importance of reducing response bias and improving accuracy in ECD measurements
C. Hamdan et al. (2021)
1. Imperativeness of early detection of children with special needs by educators
2. Training needs and techniques for accurate identification of developmental disorders
3. Call for additional research on diagnostic tools and supportive interventions

D. Kuutti et al. (2022)
1. Exploration of activities and relationships of children with special educational needs (SEN) in
Finnish ECEC institutions
2. Analysis of inclusion approaches and the role of educators
3. Need for further research on inclusive learning environments and educator responsibilities
E. Smythe et al. (2021)
1. Challenges in providing interventions and support for children with developmental disabilities
in low and middle-income countries (LMICs)
2. Importance of early interventions and inclusive decision-making processes
3. Call for public policy and practice research to address early childhood developmental demands

A. Emphasis on the importance of early diagnosis and intervention for optimal child
B. Significance of collaborative and multidisciplinary approaches
C. Importance of cultural sensitivity in screening methods and interventions
D. Need for methodical research grounded in policy development to promote equity in early
intervention services


Early Identification and Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays and

Department: University
Course Code: Course Unit

Early Identification and Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays and
Part 1: The Literature Review
A Description of the Topic
Early education is the base for the knowledge-building. Nevertheless, learners with
learning delays come across different hurdles. Against this background, the identification of
culturally relevant screening and assessment tools for early diagnosis of developmental
difficulties becomes a key point (Smythe et al., 2021). Such policies are a form of guarantee that
crisis-affected children will be provided with support that is responsive to their most urgent
needs. Furthermore, one thing that needs to be examined is the relationship between Early
Childhood Professionals, Family Members, and Specialists who work in earl...

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