Sweet Science

User Generated




Watch: http://ww2.kqed.org/quest/2010/04/27/science-of-taste/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. then answer the following

A. Bullet point 3 facts from the video.

B. In a minimum 300 words, summarize the highlights of this video. Think who, what, where, why?

C. Is this video reputable and trustworthy? Why or why not. Be specific.

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Explanation & Answer

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Sweet Science

3 facts from the video include the following

Humans do not eat food exclusively for survival like other animals

Smell and flavor are two different things

95 percent of what people think the taste is smell

B. In a minimum 300 words, summarize the highlights of this video. Think who, what, where,

Unlike animals that eat their food for survival without caring the stat...

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