Criminology Paper

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Watch the Law and Order Crime and Punishment video in the link above. It's approximately 55 minutes long.

This is a real trial that was filmed just over a decade ago in San Diego. The producers of Law and Order created this show based on real San Diego prosecutors. Everything you see is real. However, remember that a trial may last 1-2 weeks, and it has to be condensed into a one hour tv show.

After you watch this trial, answer the following questions. After answering all these questions, you're paper must be 2 pages long. Make sure your answers are detailed and specific. This assignment will not require any outside research. Therefore, you will not need in-text citations or a References page. But you do need a Cover page in APA format. The paper should have 1 inch margins all the way around, be double spaced, have indented paragraphs, and use Times New Roman 12 point font.


1. Describe the facts of this case. What crime was the defendant charged with?

2. Tell me about your impression of the prosecutor. Did he put on a strong case? What were his strengths? Did he have any weaknesses?

3. What is your impression of the defense attorney. Did he do a good job of defending his client? Why or why not?

4. Discuss two of the witnesses. Were they believable? Why or why not?

5. What evidence did you find most compelling?

6. Did you agree with the jury's decision? Why or why not?

Your papers will be graded based on the thoroughness of your answers to each question. Don't be general (example - the prosecutor did a good job...). Be specific (example - the prosecutor did a good job of ____ and _____").

Don't just say you agree with the jury. Explain to me why you agree or disagree.


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Explanation & Answer

Hello, review the attached document and contact me in case you need any changes. Otherwise, good luck in your study and if you need any further help in your assignments, please let me know. Always invite me to answer your questions.Goodbye.


Crime and Punishment



Facts about the case
The video presents a case wherein 1997, the petitioner William Richards is convicted of
the 1993 murder of his wife, Pamela. In 2012, the court based on a four against three judges in
this court rejected Richard's request on habeas corpus requiring the court to overturn his
conviction because the prosecution dental expert had recanted his expert opinion testimony at
trial that a lesion on Pamela's hand was a human bite mark matching the petitioner's unusual
Another fact presented in this video is based on the recantation of the majority did not
represent false evidence. The petitioner has failed to present arguments enough to term evidence
objectively untrue. Within the understanding and interpretation of the Penal Code section 1473
as the applicable statute, in the absence of the generally accepted and relevant advance in the
witness' field of expertise or a widely accepted new technology that would allow experts to reach
an objectively more accurate conclusion that the petitioner failed to present.
The video also presents how legislature responded to the decisions in this case while amending
the penal code section 1473 to allow false information to include the information provided as
opinions of experts....

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