Understanding Post Modern Architectural Theory

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Canadian University of Dubai


2. Assignment Description

Individually you will work on the assignment which looks into post-modern Western architecture. It focuses on the theory of 6 main architects of Post Modernism.,
- Robert Venturi (Chapter 1-topic 1)
- Michael Graves (Chapter 1 – topic 3)

- Robert Stern (Chapter 1 – topic 5)- Aldo Rossi (Chapter 10- topic 1)
- Tadao Ando (Chapter 10 – topic 1)- Peter Eisenman (p174-181)

- Philip Johnson (from page 100)
- James Stirling (James Stirling, speech 1957, quoted in Contemporary Architecture p230)

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Click https://www.dezeen.com/2015/07/23/guide-to-postmodern-architecture-design-glenn-adamson/ l

The assignment aims to develop your understanding of post- modern architecture in general and specific architectural theories developed at the time. This is achieved by doing an in-depth study of one of the architects mentioned above. The assignment also focuses on articles written by the following architects and compiled in Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture in order to fully identifying their theories and works. The assignment will also look into 2 cases designed by the architect to analyze the theories implemented in the design.

3. Assignment Process

  1. Architect Selection:
    Conduct general research about the 6 architects and choose one to focus on.
  2. In depth research : Conduct in-depth research of your specific architect looking at : 1- education background- who was the architect influenced by?
    2- theoretical approach?
    3- attitude towards modernism?4- attitude toward history as a source of inspiration?
    5- attitude towards the symbolism and its communicate role?
    6- attitude towards the importance of the expressing time, place, culture in design?
  3. Case Study analysis: Choose 2 edifices designed by your architect and analyze and annotated diagrams following the template on moodle.1- Concept
    2- Form
    3- Internal space and user experience (plan space layout)
    4- martials used
    5- response to architectural context (classical / symbolic elements) 6- relationship to site & surrounding context
  4. Conclusion
    Create a conclusion which identifies the main concepts and ideas which your pioneer architect focused on- identifying the main characteristics of modern architecture

Submission Week 12

4. Assignment Requirements

By the end of your research you will need to submit

  1. Research showing your architect’s theories and methods (using the chapter and widerreference)
  2. Visual analysis of the cases – must include written explanations and annotated drawings.
  3. Conclusion of your study.

Your work will be submitted in an A4 typed landscaped document.

The document should Include a title bar that shows : Course name, year, semester, assignment title & instructor’s name and presented in a Post Modern Style.

Combine & balance images & text for part 1 (500 words), add references, follow APA style. Part 2 visual document should be several pages. Part 3 conclusion page.

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Canadian University Dubai School of Engineering & Architecture Spring 2018 HISD 202 – History of Architecture and Interior Design 2 Ms Sophie Johnson Assignment 2: Understanding Post Modern Architectural Theory (15 Marks) Assigned: Class 11 Wednesday 18th April 2018 Due: Class 13 Wednesday 2nd May 2018 1. Assignment Learning Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes PLOs Specific Learning Objectives CLO 3 – Develop an understanding of the PLO2 contributions of the pioneers of architectural movements, their theoretical positions and design approaches as manifested in their projects CLO 4- Identify key facts about notable PLO2 buildings in terms of: designers, names, dates& location Develop a deeper understanding of the pioneers of Post-Modernism by researching their theoretical views, design approach and projects. CLO 5- Ability to make a comprehensive analysis of spatial & formal components of a building. PLO6 Conduct a case study analysis of two of the architect’s buildings to be able to analyze spatial and formal components of the building. CLO 6 -Ability to distinguish between streams & styles, their adopted design strategies based on objective criteria & standards. PLO6 Through analysis, distinguish between various approaches developed during the Post- modernism period. CLO 7- Ability to analyze specific works of Architecture and Interior in relation to their Principal theoretical frameworks. PLO6 Conduct a case study analysis of two of the architect’s buildings to relate to the architect’s theoretical approach. CLO 8 – Ability to research, collect, select, Interpret data and reach well-reasoned conclusions. PLO6 Research the selected architect’s approach though collecting and interpreting information. Researching notable buildings designed by the architect and analyzing two of them. Formulating logical conclusions with regards to the architects approach through a diagrammatic response. CLO 9- Demonstrate competency in oral, written and visual presentations PLO9 Present the work through visual and written presentation. 2. Assignment Description Individually you will work on the assignment which looks into post-modern Western architecture. It focuses on the theory of 6 main architects of Post Modernism., - Robert Venturi (Chapter 1-topic 1) - Michael Graves (Chapter 1 – topic 3) - Robert Stern (Chapter 1 – topic 5) - Aldo Rossi (Chapter 10- topic 1) - Tadao Ando (Chapter 10 – topic 1) - Peter Eisenman (p174-181) - Philip Johnson (from page 100) - James Stirling (James Stirling, speech 1957, quoted in Contemporary Architecture p230) The assignment aims to develop your understanding of post- modern architecture in general and specific architectural theories developed at the time. This is achieved by doing an in-depth study of one of the architects mentioned above. The assignment also focuses on articles written by the following architects and compiled in Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture in order to fully identifying their theories and works. The assignment will also look into 2 cases designed by the architect to analyze the theories implemented in the design. 3. Assignment Process 1. Architect Selection: Conduct general research about the 6 architects and choose one to focus on. 2. In depth research : Conduct in-depth research of your specific architect looking at : 1- education background- who was the architect influenced by? 2- theoretical approach? 3- attitude towards modernism? 4- attitude toward history as a source of inspiration? 5- attitude towards the symbolism and its communicate role? 6- attitude towards the importance of the expressing time, place, culture in design? 3. Case Study analysis: Choose 2 edifices designed by your architect and analyze and annotated diagrams following the template on moodle. 1- Concept 2- Form 3- Internal space and user experience (plan space layout) 4- martials used 5- response to architectural context (classical / symbolic elements) 6- relationship to site & surrounding context 4. Conclusion Create a conclusion which identifies the main concepts and ideas which your pioneer architect focused on- identifying the main characteristics of modern architecture Submission Week 12 4. Assignment Requirements By the end of your research you will need to submit 1. Research showing your architect’s theories and methods (using the chapter and wider reference) 2. Visual analysis of the cases – must include written explanations and annotated drawings. 3. Conclusion of your study. Your work will be submitted in an A4 typed landscaped document. The document should Include a title bar that shows : Course name, year, semester, assignment title & instructor’s name and presented in a Post Modern Style. Combine & balance images & text for part 1 (500 words), add references, follow APA style. Part 2 visual document should be several pages. Part 3 conclusion page. PLAGARISM = FAIL. 5. Criteria & Rubric Requirements 1 2 Study of architect’s theories and approach Case Study Analysis- CL O s Criteria Marks Rubrics 3 Scope of information with regards to the architect, his theories and approach 1- education background- who was the architect influenced 2- theoretical approach 3- attitude towards modernism 4- attitude toward the history as a source of inspiration 5- attitude towards symbolism and its communicated role 6attitude towards the importance of the expressing time, place, culture in design 2 Marks Information is limited Comprehensive of all components of architect’s approach & projects 4 Depth of information with regards to the architect, his theories and approach 2 Marks General and superficial information Focused and clear information 8 Accuracy of information with regards to the architect, his theories and approach 1.5 Marks Information is inaccurate and without reference Information is accurate and referenced 5 Comprehensiveness of cases study analysis 1- Concept 2- Form 3- plan space layout 4-martials used 5-relationship to classical / symbolic elements 6- relationship to context 2 Marks Analysis is not fully conducted Analysis is full and detailed 7 Specificity of case study analysis to architectural theories 1.5 Marks Analysis does not capture the architect’s design theory Analysis clearly capture the architect’s design theory 8 Relevance of case study analysis sketches to architectural theories 1.5 Marks Sketches do not identify the topic of analysis Sketches identify the topic of analysis Low 0%-50% Average 50-70% High 70%-100% Requirements 3 Conclusions CL O s Criteria Marks 6 Similarity and variety between cases 1.5 marks Similarities and varieties between cases not clear Similarities and varieties between cases clearly identified 8 Conclusion summary with regards to architects theories and design work 1.5 marks Summary lost and unfocused Summary comprehensive and focused Conclusion unspecific to the architect and the 2 cases Conclusion specific to the architect and the 2 cases Visual presentation not organized or clear Visual presentation organized and clear Visual presentation basic Visual presentation innovative Low 0%-50% Conclusion specificity with regards to architects theories and design work 4 Branded Landscape Booklet 9 Rubrics Clarity of visual layout and presentation - Titles - Course name - Student name - Architect - Date Creativity of visual layout and presentation and annotated diagrams. 1.5 Marks Average 50-70% High 70%-100%
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