Lab 2 309

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Heat treatment is the act of altering the properties of a substance through the application of heat. The increase in temperatures causes the change of physical properties and at sometimes the chemical properties depending on the degree of temperature change (Wojes, 2017). It is important to note that heat treatment involves both reduction and increase of temperatures. The end results of heat treatment include hardening and softening of the experimental material. Metallic elements consist of microstructures called grains or crystallites for crystalline components (Leslie, 1972). The mechanical behavior of the grains depends on its nature such as the size and composition of the material. Heat treatment is majorly involved in the determination of the mechanical characteristic. This is because, as itcontrols the rate of diffusion and the rate of cooling, the materials microstructure is affected. Johnson Heat treatment, as used in manufacturing shops, is a way to educate students on the application of heat treatment and its applications. The heat treatment method is used for several purposes such as tempering, cooling, and quenching. The processes mentioned above affect the hardness (Lee, Katherine Bakeev, & Christos Malliakas, 2005).

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1 Introduction Heat treatment is the act of altering the properties of a substance through the application of heat. The increase in temperatures causes the change of physical properties and at sometimes the chemical properties depending on the degree of temperature change (Wojes, 2017). It is important to note that heat treatment involves both reduction and increase of temperatures. The end results of heat treatment include hardening and softening of the experimental material. Metallic elements consist of microstructures called grains or crystallites for crystalline components (Leslie, 1972). The mechanical behavior of the grains depends on its nature such as the size and composition of the material. Heat treatment is majorly involved in the determination of the mechanical characteristic. This is because, as it controls the rate of diffusion and the rate of cooling, the materials microstructure is affected. Johnson Heat treatment, as used in manufacturing shops, is a way to educate students on the application of heat treatment and its applications. The heat treatment method is used for several purposes such as tempering, cooling, and quenching. The processes mentioned above affect the hardness (Lee, Katherine Bakeev, & Christos Malliakas, 2005). Lab Facility and Procedure The Students are expected to carry out the experiment in groups and submit a report of the results and discussion. The experiment being Johnson Heat experiment, the apparatus is the hardness measuring apparatus while the specimen is; water, brine, and oil. 2 Procedure 1. Test the hardness of the test specimen; 410 Stainless Steel, ASTM-A276, ¾ 2. Test the test specimen in quenching procedure. 3. Increase the temperatures of the furnace. 4. Take a piece of a metal and put it into the furnace until it is bright orange in color. 5. Measure the temperature of the metal and record as soon as it is obtained from the furnace. 6. Observe the color change of the metal surface as it cools. 7. Quench the metal using the experimental specimen; water, brine and oil and record the temperature changes. After quenching. 8. Finally, test the hardness of the metal after the quenching process. Data Colour Temperature White 2500F Yellow White 2300F Yellow 2000F Orange Red 1800F Light Cherry Red 1400F Dark Red 1200F Black Red 800F 3 Purple 525F Yellow Brown 490F Fig 1 Original Specimen Fig 2 Johnson Heat Experiment Apparatus (Albrecht, 2014) 4 Fig 3 Hardness Measuring Machine Result and Discussion The temperature of the experiment was found to be 1036 C. The hardness results for the original specimen (410 Stainless Steel, ASTM-A276, ¾) is as tabulated below Trailer 1 Trailer 2 Trailer 3 Average 107 107.2 108.1 107.43 5 The hardness after the quenching process is as tabulated below; Trailer 1 Trailer 2 Trailer 3 Average Material Water 113.3 120.4 121.4 118.36 Cold drawn 0.5C steel Brine 112.2 118.6 122.4 117.73 Cold drawn 0.25C steel Oil 117.6 118.9 116.8 117.76 Cold drawn 0.25C steel Fig 4 Results for group 2 From the tabulated results it is evident that the hardness increased from trailer 1 to trailer 3 for the water and brine used in quenching. For oil, hardness decreased. Brine had the highest increase in hardness compared to water. Therefore quenching is an appropriate process of cooling metal and increasing its hardness. Quenching was a result of polymers that were dissolved in the water and brine (Yaakoubi, Kchaou, & Dammak, 2013). Conclusion Hardening as a mechanical property is influenced by the application of heat. Heat transfer, therefore, can be utilized in the manufacturing process to enhance the hardening of metals and 6 alloys. The hardening agents should be chosen in accordance with the amount of polymer dissolved. Johnson Heat experiment is, therefore, the basis of researchers to learn heat transfer. References Albrecht, E. B. (2014). Application and Heat Treatment of S. A. E. Carbon and Alloy Steels. In E. Oberg, & F. D. Jones, Machinery's Handbook. New York: Industrial Press Inc. Lee, M., Katherine Bakeev, & Christos Malliakas. (2005). Heat treatment considerations for water, oil, and Brine. Retrieved from Leslie, G. R. (1972). Tempering of steel. In Metallurgical and Material Transactions (pp. pp 1043–1054). New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/BF02642436 Wojes, R. (2017, March 17). What happens when metals undergo Heat treatment. Retrieved from The Balance: Yaakoubi, M., Kchaou, M., & Dammak, F. (2013). Simulation of Heat treatment and materials with the use of the Abaqus Software. Springer, 55(7), 386–392. doi:10.1007/s11041-0139641-5 5. Resul 6. Conclusion 7. References Lab Report Due: One (1) week after Lab Completion. 114.5 oil A 108.3 106.3 brine A 108.7 110. 3 110.2 2. Water Az 107.2 105.4 105. 2
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Running head: HEAT TREATMENT


Lab: Heat Treatment
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Heat treatment is a process by which properties of a material are changed through heat
application. When substances are subjected to temperature increases, they usually undergo
physical and even chemical changes (Sias, 2017). Change in hardness and softness of the
material depend on the degree of temperature change (Bryson, 2015). It can be achieved by
heating or chilling material. The mechanical behavior of crystallites or grains that form the
microstructures of substances is determines by their nature. When a metallic material is heated,
diffusion occurs where the atoms of dissolved element move and try to be homogenous
throughout the base metal. By controlling how the rate of cooling and rate of diffusion, it is
possible to achieve a particular level of elasticity, strength, and hardness (Sias, 2017). In
industrial sett...

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