Write 7 Pages On Terrorism 9/11 attack

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Business Finance


Give 5 references and talk about 9/11 Terrorism Attack. What is the history, How do you feel about it, How Did It show impact on the world, when did it happen and why, how would you have helped, and what has changed after 9/11 Attack.

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History of 9/11 Terrorism Attack
The 9/11 terrorist attack occurred in New York City on 11th September 2001 where
Islamic extremist group which was made up of 19 al-Qaeda militants, by hijacking four
American passenger planes successfully carried out an attack against their target in the united
states of America (Pyszczynski et al. 30). The World Trade Centre which is housed by twin
towers in New York was attacked by two planes while Pentagon which is located outside of
Washington D.C was a hit by the third plane. The fourth plane was directed to at a field in
Pennsylvania. The entire attack resulted in about three thousand deaths while about six thousand
people were injured. Hundreds of police officers and firefighting agents as well succumbed to
the attack in their response to the rescue. The attack led to the development of numerous
programs in the United States of America to the cub and combated terrorism. The offense is as
well believed to have defined George W. Bush’s presidency.
The attack on the World Trade Center
The World Trade Center woke up to its attack at 8.45 am on 11th September on the
morning of Tuesday; this was through the United States airline Boeing 767 crashed into the twin
towers of the World Trade Center which are hosted by New York City. The airline is said to
have been load with jet fuel that was estimated to be about 20000 gallons. The crash resulted in a

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hot hole that was wide open on the 80th floor of the tower. The impact led to hundreds of instant
deaths while hundreds of people were left trapped at the top stories; this attack was the first at the
north tower of the twin towers that first assumed to be an ordinary airline accident. However, as
the press was covering the first clash and as the evacuation team was working hard to save some
people from the building, there was an appearance of the second plane in the sky that sharply
penetrated at the south tower of the World Trade Towers slicing it into two parts at the 6oth
floor;this occurred 18 minutes from the first attack and was carried out through Boeing 767United Airlines Flight 175. The impact between the twin towers and the planes resulted in a
massive explosion that culminated in a downpour of burning frames at the buildings and streets
that were surrounding. The second attack affirmed that the United States was under attack.
The September 11, 2001 attack was based on Islamic retaliation for the United States
engagement in the Persian Gulf War, its support for Israel as well as its military presence in the
Middle East. It was alleged that th...

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