Film Question

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Boston University

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In 3-5 paragraphs, you will argue for a change to ONE of the screenings (episode or show) that we watched in class (must have watched at least 15 minutes of it). You will choose to swap out either that show entirely for a different show or choose a different episode for the same show. Your analysis will need to include: 1) consideration of the appropriateness of the era (situating your proposed screening in specific characteristics of GATV, CNE1 2 or 3, MCT, or Convergence/Streaming Era); you will need to use the specific eras we discussed in lecture and as Hilmes described them. Use and cite Hilmes to contextualize your choice. 2) examples from lecture material to act as context for the specific date/class period you’re proposing the change. You will need to have a works cited page for what sources you use, including Hilmes, wikipedia or imdb information about a show, and/or citing the show/episode you are proposing to include among this course's screenings.
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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Swapping "Living Single" with "Friends"
The Golden Age of Television (GATV), as defined by Michele Hilmes, essentially saw
network television at the top, with homogeneous audiences and traditional advertising revenue
models predominant (Hilmes). This period was characterized by television as a dominant
instrument that shaped people's cultural norms and perceptions, but often TV did not pay
attention to the different aspects of American society. In the essay, I suggest screening changes
by the replacement of an episode of "Living Single," a marvelous show about young African
Americans to the points of their lives, with one of "Friends," one of the more popular cultures,
but of the main white cast shows. Through analyzing the presentation and consumption of these
two shows we can learn what the racial dynamics of the GATV era and the struggle of minority
creators in the television industry were like.
"Living Single" is a show created by Yvette Lee Bowser that started airing in 1993
around the lives of four young black female colleagues living in a Brooklyn brownstone
(Wikipedia). The show offered a unique depiction of Black professionals as they saw their way
through work, relationships, and their daily lives in New York. The oppressed, no-nonsense
Khadijah James as a confident and successful magazine editor as well as the fashion savvy
Regine Hunter with her boutique shop, "L...

I was stuck on this subject and a friend recommended Studypool. I'm so glad I checked it out!


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